FR118 Formative work
Preparing for and getting the most out of classes
- Read through your Study Skills Handbook carefully (you received a copy in your start-of-term packs. If you require a further copy, you can click on study skills handbook
). The handbook gives detailed information on the following:
- reading primary material
- watching and making notes on film
- preparing for lectures
- preparing for seminars
- producing written work
- Take another look at the study skills lectures and advice documents here: skills workshops materials
Preparing written work
In the course of the year you have to submit four pieces of written work, which will be marked and returned to you. You will choose the best three of these pieces, which will constitute your portfolio of summatively-assessed work. These pieces will count for 60% of your final mark. For further details follow the link to summative assessment.
Follow the link to Writing Essays and Commentaries for key advice about structure, expressing ideas on paper, presentation, and departmental criteria for these tasks.
Marking, correction and feedback
- Your tutor will return your essays to you with added comments and an overall mark. It is important to read through comments carefully. Your tutors may also suggest further useful reading. You will have the opportunity to discuss the work you have prepared in class.
- Find out about the university's 17-point scale marking scheme.