FR248 Further Reading
Please note that novels and films on this module change from one year to the next - all items in this short bibliography may therefore not always be relevant
You are also invited to use the many journals available electronically via the Library catalogue: e.g. Research in African Literatures, French Studies, Callaloo, The International Journal of Francophone Studies etc. but also 'Cairn', the online database of French e-journals.
For information on the geographical areas studied, see also:
Certeau, Michel de, L'Ecriture de l'histoire (1975)
Lalieu, Olivier, 'L'Invention du devoir de mémoire', Vingtième Siècle: Revue d'histoire (2001), pp. 83-93.
Mbembe, Achille, Sortir de la grande nuit: essai sur l’Afrique décolonisée (2010) [Chapter V]
Nora, Pierre (ed), Les Lieux de mémoire (1984)
Ross, Kristin, Fast cars, Clean Bodies : Decolonization and the Reordering of French Culture (1995)
Rousso, Henry, The Haunting Past : History, Memory, and Justice in Contemporary France (2002)
Rothberg, Michael, Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization (2009)
Aldrich, Robert, Imperial Mise en valeur and Mise en Scène: Recent Works on French Colonialism (2002)
Blanchard, Pascal & Sandrine Lemaire (eds.), Culture coloniale. La France conquise par son empire, 1871-1931 (2003)
Benabi, Abdelkader, Le Cinéma colonial au Maghreb (1998)
Conklin, Alice, A Mission to Civilise: the Republican Idea of Empire in France and West Africa, 1895-1930 (1997)
Conklin, Alice & Ian Christopher Fletcher (eds), European Imperialism, 1830-1930 : Climax and Contradiction (1999)
Cooper, Frederick, Colonialism in Question : Theory, Knowledge, History (2005)
Girardet, Raoul, L’Idée coloniale en France (1971)
Hargreaves, Alec, Memory, Empire and Colonialism (2005)
Manceron, Gilles, Marianne et les colonies : une introduction à l’histoire coloniale de la France (2005)
Peabody, Sue & Tyler Stovall (eds), The Color of Liberty : Histories of Race in France (2003)
Taguieff, Pierre-André, La Couleur et le sang: doctrines racistes à la française (1998)
Wilder, Gary, The French Imperial Nation-State: Negritude and Colonial Humanism between the Two World Wars (2005)
An, Grace & James Austin (eds), New Spaces for French and Francophone Cinema, special issue of Yale French Studies, No. 115 (2009)
Bancel, Nicolas, De l'Indochine à l'Algérie (1940 - 1962) : La Jeunesse en mouvement des deux côtés du miroir colonial (2003)
Barclays, Fiona (ed), France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative (2013)
Blanchard, Pascal) & Nicolas Bancel et al. (eds), Human Zoos: Science and Spectacle in the Age of Colonial Empires (2008) [Focus on Daeninckx's Cannibale]
Camiscioli, Elisa , Reproducing the French Race: Immigration, Intimacy, and Embodiment in the Early Twentieth Century (2009)
Bongie, Chris, Exotic Memories : Literature, Colonialism, and the Fin de Siècle (1991)
Chafer, Tony and Amanda Sackur (eds), Promoting the Colonial Idea : Propaganda and Visions of Empire in France (2002)
Cooper, Nicola, France in Indochina : Colonial Encounters (2001)
Cooper, Nicola, 'Colonial Humanism in the 1930s : The Case of Andrée Viollis', French Cultural Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 189-205 (2006)
Cornick, Martyn , ‘Representations of Britain and British Colonialism in French Adventure Fiction, 1870–1914’, French Cultural Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 137-154 (2006)
Coundouriotis, Eleni, Claiming History. Colionalism, Ethnography, and the Novel (1999)
Crais, Clifton & Pamela Scully, Sara Baartman and the Hottentot Venus: A Ghost Story and a Biography (2009)
Evans, Martin (ed.), Empire and Culture: the French Experience, 1830-1940 (2004)
Ezra, Elizabeth,The Colonial Unconscious: Race and Culture in Interwar France (2000)
Fraiture, Pierre-Philippe, Le Congo belge et son récit francophone à la veille des indépendances (2003)
Hughes, Edward, Writing Marginality in Modern French Literature : from Loti to Genet (2001)
Jennings, Eric T., ‘Visions and Representations of French Empire’, in The Journal of Modern History, 77 (3), pp. 701-721 (2005)
Jovicic, Jelena, ‘L’Habitus touristique: le cas des lettres d’Orient (1850-1900)’ , in French Cultural Studies, 11, pp. 101-116 (2000)
Lassus, Alexandra de, Africains et Asiatiques dans la littérature de jeunesse de l’entre-deux-guerres (2006)
Lestringant, Frank, Cannibals: the Discovery and Representation of the Cannibal from Columbus to Jules Verne (1997)Marsh, Kate, Narratives of the French Empire: Fiction, Nostalgia (2013)
and Imperial Rivalries, 1784 to the Present
Moreton, Patricia A., Hybrid Modernities : Architecture and Representation at the 1931 Colonial Exposition (2000)
Moura, Jean-Marc, La Littérature des lointains. Histoire de l’exotisme européen au XXe siècle (1998)
Norindr, Panivong, Phantasmatic Indochina: French Colonial Ideology in Architecture, Film, and Literature (1996) [Focus on DURAS]
Olivet, Fabrice, La Question métisse (2011)
Pels, Peter & Oscar Salemink (eds.), Colonial Subjects : Essays on the Practical History of Anthropology (1999)
Said, Edward, Orientalism. Western Conceptions of the Orient (1978)
Said, Edward, Culture and Imperialism (1993)
Seillan, Jean-Marie, Aux sources du roman colonial – l’Afrique à la fin du XIXe siècle (2006)
Sherzer, Dina (ed.), Cinema, Colonialism, Postcolonialism: Perspectives from the French and Francophone Worlds (1996)
Spurr, David, The Rhetoric of Empire : Colonial Discourse in Journalism, Travel writing and Imperial Administration (1993)
Landau, Paul Stuart & Deborah D. Kaspin, Images and Empires: Visuality in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa (2002)
Urbain, Jean-Didier, Secrets de voyage : menteurs, imposteurs et autres voyageurs invisible (1998)
Assouline, Pierre, Hergé (1996)
Forsdick, Charles, Laurence Grove & Libbie Mcquillan, The Francophone Bande dessinée (2005)
Hergé, Tintin au Tibet (1960)
Quella-Guyot, Didier, Lire Tintin au Tibet, de Hergé : lecture méthodique et documentaire (1990)
Tomasi, Jean-Paul, Tintin chez Jules Verne (1998)
Edwards, Rachel, Myth and the Fiction of Michel Tournier and Patrick Grainville (1999)
Hutton, Margaret-Anne, Michel Tournier, Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique (1999)
Maclean, Mairi, Michel Tournier: Exploring Human Relations (2003)
Platten, David, Michel Tournier and the Metaphor of Fiction (1999)
Tournier, Michel, Vendredi ou la vie sauvage (1997) ç
Bongie, Chris, Exotic Memories: Literature, Colonialism, and the Fin de Siècle (1991)
Chesneaux, Jean, Jules Verne, un regard sur le monde : nouvelles lectures politiques (2001)
Dekiss, Jean-Paul, Jules Verne : un humain planétaire (2005)
Paumier, Jean-Yves, Jules Verne, voyageur extraordinaire : la géographie des mondes connus et inconnus (2005)
Verne, Jules, La Jangada : huit cent lieues sur l’Amazone
Verne, Jules, L’Oncle Robinson
Special issue of The Australian Journal of French Studies on Jules Verne : Volume 42, Number 3 / September - December 2005
Higgins, L.A., ‘Screening America’, French Cultural Studies, 14:3, pp. 310-22
Slavin, D.H., Colonial Cinema and Imperial France, 1919-1939 (2001)
Speck, O.C., ‘The Cesspool of Colonial Cinema: Coup de torchon by Bertrand Tavernier, Studies in French Cinema, 6:3, pp. 207-217
Camp de Thiaroye - feature film (1987)
Cerasi, Claire, Marguerite Duras de Lahore à Auschwitz (1993)
Hill, Leslie, Marguerite Duras: Apocalyptic Desires (1993)
Waters, Julia, 'Marguerite Duras and Colonialist Discourse: An Intertextual Reading of L'Empire français and Un Barrage contre le Pacifique', Forum For Modern Language Studies (2003), 39 (3), pp. 254-266
Waters, Julia, '"Cholen, la capitale chinoise de l'Indochine française": Rereading Marguerite Duras's (Indo)Chinese Novels', in Kathryn Robson & Jennifer Yee (eds.), France and 'Indochina': Cultural Representations (2005), pp. 179-91
Williams, James S. (ed), with Janet Sayers, Revisioning Duras : Film, Race, Sex (2000)
Winston, Jane, Postcolonial Duras : Cultural Memory in Postwar France (2001)
Winston, Jane, 'Maguerite Duras: Marxism, Feminism, Writing, Theatre Journal, 47: 3 (1995)
Garrity, Henry, 'Narrative Space in Julien Duvivier's Pépé le Moko, The French Review, 65: 4, pp. 623-628
Morgan, Janice, 'In the Labyrinth: Masculine Subjectivity, Expatriation and Colonialism in Pépé le Moko', The French Review, 67: 4 (1994), pp. 637-647
Martin O’Shaugnessy’s ‘Pépé le Moko or the Impossibility of Being French in the 1930s’, French Cultural Studies (1996), vol. 7 (21), pp. 247-258
Vincendeau, Ginette, Pépé le Moko (1998)
See a review of Pépé le Moko by Graham Greene:
FURHTER READING on Claude Lévi-Strauss's Race et histoire:
Bernasconi, Robert (ED.), Race and Racism in Continental Philosophy (2003)
FURTHER READING ON Kamel Daoud's Meursault, contre-enquête:
Harding, Jeremy, ‘The Castaway’, London Review of Books, Vol. 36 No. 23 · 4 December 2014 pp. 11-15
See also Daoud talking about his novel:
Consult also some of the specialised electronic resources:
French Cultural Studies: