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The lecture notes, PowerPoint slides and handouts will be made available here to students after each class. On this page, there are also links to supplementary reading.

Week 10: Coup de torchon, Bertrand Tavernier

General documents
Further Reading
Seminar: see handout given in Week 9
Higgins, Lynn A. "Screening America." French Cultural Studies, 14(3), 310–322. 
lecture week 10 powepoint
outline lecture week 10

Week 9: Kamel Daoud, Meursault, contre-enquête

seminar prep - see week 8
Lecture outline

Week 8: Kamel Daoud, Meursault, contre-enquête

General documents
Further Reading
seminar prep
Lecture outline

Week 7: La Montagne by Jean-Noël Pancrazi

General documents
Further Reading
Seminar prep
Lecture outline

Powerpoint presentation

Week 5: Claude Lévi-Strauss, Race et Histoire
General documents
Further Reading
Further reading on C. Lévi-Strauss
- Kortmulder, K. "An Ethological Theory of the Incest Taboo and Exogamy: With Special Reference to the Views of Claude Lévi-Strauss." Current Anthropology , Vol. 9, No. 5 (Dec., 1968), pp. 437-449.
- Adam Shatz, 'Jottings, Scraps and Doodles', London Review of Books, Vol. 33 No. 21 · 3 November 2011:
Lecture pp presentation
 Lecture outline
Seminar questions
Lecture pp presentation
Week 4: Julien Duvivier, Pépé le Moko
General documents
Further Reading
Seminar preparation
 Powerpoint Lecture Week 4
Lecture outline
Week 3: A. Malraux, La Voie royale
General documents
Further Reading
Seminar preparation
 Lecture pp presentation
 Lecture Outline
Further Reading: Le Tour de la France par deux enfants: devoir et patrie(Word Document)
Seminar: See last week

Week 2: Introduction to Colonial Memory and to La Voie royale by A. Malraux
General documents
Further Reading:

Eric T. Jennings, 'Visions and Representations of French Empire', The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 77, No. 3 (September 2005), pp. 701-721.

 Lecture Handout
PPP Lecture & Sem 1
 Seminar preparation La Voie Royale

