FR253 Summative Essay Titles
You may, If you wish, discuss the same text/thinker in a summative assignment as you have discussed in a piece of formative assignment, but you must not reproduce in part or whole any of your formative assignment in your summative assignment.
You should note that in the examination for this module, you will not be permitted to answer a question relating to material on which you have submitted an assessed essay.
Write 2000-2500 words on ONE of the topics below:
1. Show how adaptation from one medium to another has modified the focus and meaning of any ONE OR MORE French science-fiction texts.
2. How do ideas of the ‘posthuman’ illuminate our understanding of any ONE OR MORE French science-fiction texts?
3. How does the imaginative representation of future societies reflect concerns about contemporary French civilization in any ONE OR MORE texts you have studied?
4. Critically analyse the representation of gender in any ONE OR MORE French science-fiction texts you have studied.
5. To what extent, and in what ways, do science-fiction texts suggest that social class will continue to be an important distinguishing factor between individuals in the future?
6. Discuss the depiction of post-apocalyptic cultures in any ONE OR MORE French science-fiction texts.
You will receive guidance and support in the writing of your summative essay in the following ways:
- Refresher workshop on essay-writing skills (Weds 18th November, Teaching Grid, 1 – 2.30 pm). This is OPTIONAL
- One hour in the module programme will be devoted to a discussion / workshop on the assessment for the module.
- Students taking 15 CATs modules in term 2 will receive feedback on their work in week 7 of term 3. All marks received at this stage will be provisional. Please note that you are welcome to come and see me in my office hours to discuss your performance once you have received the feedback for your assessed work.