Module Outline
Week 1. Introduction to 19th-century France
Introduction to the key ideas, theories and concepts on the module including
- how France emerged from the French Revolution and the Empire
- Republicanism
- Industrialisation
Weeks 2-4: 1830 Revolution
Source texts: extracts from newspapers and pamphlets + George Sand’s Indiana
- Freedom of press
- Women and proto-feminism
Weeks 5-8: 1848
Source texts: selection of satirical prints, extracts from newspapers and pamphlets + from Hugo’s Les Misérables and from Flaubert’s L’Education sentimentale
- Class conflict
- Economics
- Intellectuals as politicians
Weeks 9-10: The Franco-Prussian war and the Commune of 1871
Source texts: extracts from newspapers and pamphlets + Zola’s La Débâcle
- National identity
- The values of France
Week 11. Revision
An overview of the key themes examined during the course of the module, with a particular focus on the genesis of Republicanism and the role of writers in 19th-century society