Further Reading
Akbari, Suzanne Conklin, Idols in the East: European Representations of Islam and the Orient, 1100–1450 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009)
Bale, Anthony, Feeling Persecuted: Christians, Jews, and Images of Violence in the Middle Ages (London: Reaktion Books, 2011).
Bartlett, Robert. ‘Medieval and Modern Concepts of Race and Ethnicity’, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 31 (2001), 39–55.
Bennet, Philip et al eds. Epic and Crusade: Proceedings of the Société Rencesvals Colloquium 27-28 March 2004, (Edinburgh: Société Rencesvals, 2006)
Bildhauer B. and Robert Mills eds., The Monstrous Middle Ages (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003)
Bloch Friedman, J. The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought (Cambridge Mass: Harvard UP, 1981)
Blurton, Heather and Hannah Johnson. ‘Virtual Jews and Figural Criticism: Some Recent Scholarship on the Idea of the Jew in Western Culture’, Philological Quarterly 92.1 (2014), 115–30.
Burns, E. Jane, Courtly Love Undressed (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002).
Burns, E. Jane, Sea of Silk: a textile geography of women’s work in medieval French literature (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009).
Ciggaar, K.N., Western travellers to Constantinople: the West and Byzantium 962-1204 (Leiden, New York: Brill, 1996).
Cobby, Anne E., Ambivalent Conventions: Formula and Parody in Old French (Amsterdam: Ropodi, 1995).
Cohen, J.J. Medieval Identity Machines (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003)
--------------, Of Giants: Sex, monsters and the Middle Ages, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999)
--------------, ‘On Saracen Enjoyment: Some Fantasies of Race in Late Medieval France and England’, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 31.1 (2001), 111–44.
Classen, Albrecht ed., Discourses on Love, Marriage and Transgression in Medieval and Early Modern Literature (Tempe: ACMRS, 2004)
Dahan, Gilbert, ‘Les Juifs dans les Miracles de Gautier de Coincy’, Archives Juives, 16.4 (1980), 59-68
Daniel, Norman, The Arabs and Mediaeval Europe (London: Longman, 1975)
Dinshaw, Carolyn, How Soon is Now? Medieval Texts, Amateur Readers, and the Queerness of Time (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012).
Dubost, Francis, Aspects fantastiques de la littérature narrative médiévale, XIIe-XIIIe siècles: l'autre, l'ailleurs, l'autrefois (Geneva: Slatkine, 1991)
Foehr-Janssens, Yasmina, La jeune fille et l’amour: pour une poétique courtoise de l’évasion, (Genève: Droz, 2010).
Frojmovic, Eva and Catherine E. Karkov, eds. Postcolonising the Medieval Image (New York: Routledge, 2017).
Goldberg, David, ‘The Development of the Idea of Race: Classical Paradigms and Medieval Elaborations’, International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 5 (1999), 561–70.
Green, Monica H., ‘Bodily Essences: Bodies as Categories of Difference’, In A Cultural History of the Human Body in the Middle Ages (Oxford: Berg, 2010), 149–72.
--------------, ‘Conversing with the Minority: Relations among Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Women in the High Middle Ages’ Editor’s Preface to special issue, ‘Conversing With the Minority: Relations Among Christian, Jewish and Muslim Women in the High Middle Ages,’ Journal of Medieval History, 34.2 (2008), 105–18.
Hahn, Thomas, ‘The Difference the Middle Ages Makes: Color and Race Before the Modern World’, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 31.1 (2001), 1–37.
Heng, Geraldine, ‘The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages I: Race Studies, Modernity, and the Middle Ages,’ and ‘The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages II: Locations of Medieval Race,’ Literature Compass, 8.5 (2011), 315–50.
Kinoshita, Sharon, Medieval Boundaries: Rethinking Difference in Old French Literature (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006).
--------------, ‘Deprovincializing the Middle Ages.’ In The Worlding Project: Doing Cultural Studies in the Era of Globalization, ed. Rob Wilson and Christopher Leigh Connery (Santa Cruz: New Pacific Press, 2007), 61–75.
Kruger, Steven. ‘Racial/Religious and Secular Queerness in the Middle Ages’, Medieval Feminist Newsletter, 16.3 (1993), 32–36.
--------------, The Spectral Jew: Conversion and Embodiment in Medieval Europe (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005).
Lees, Clare, Medieval Masculinities: regarding men in the Middle Ages (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994)
Martin, June, Love's Fools: Aucassin, Troilus, Calisto and the parody of the courtly lover (London: Tamesis, 1972)
Mittman, Asa Simon, ‘Are the Monstrous ‘Races’ Races?’ postmedieval, 6:1 (2015), 36–51.
--------------, ‘Mandeville’s Jews, Colonialism, Certainty, and Art History.’ In Postcolonising the Medieval Image, eds. Eva Frojmovic and Catherine Karkov (London: Ashgate, 2017).
--------------, and Marcus Hensel, eds. Classic Readings on Monster Theory: Demonstrare, 2 vols (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Press, WMU/Arc- Humanities Press, 2018).
Moore, R. I., The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950–1250 (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1987), Expanded edition, 2007.
Nadhiri, Aman Y., Saracens and Franks in the 12th–15th Century European and Near Eastern Literature: Perceptions of Self and Other (London: Routledge, 2017).
Nirenberg, David, Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages, with new preface by the author (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015; orig. publ. 1996).
Ramey, Lynn T. Black Legacies: Race and the European Middle Ages (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2014).
--------------, Christian, Saracen and Genre in Medieval French Literature: Imagination and Cultural Interaction in the French Middle Ages (London: Routledge, 2001).
Segol, Marla, ‘Medieval Cosmopolitanism and the Saracen-Christian Ethos’, CLCWeb, 6 (2004), pp.2-12.
Strickland, Debra Higgs, ‘Monstrosity and Race in the Late Middle Ages’, In Ashgate Research Companion to Monsters and the Monstrous, ed. Asa S. Mittman with Peter J. Dendle (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012), 365–86.
--------------, Saracens, Demons, and Jews: Making Monsters in Medieval Art (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003).
--------------, ‘The Jews, Leviticus, and the Unclean in Medieval English Bestiaries’, in Beyond the Yellow Badge: Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture, ed. M. B. Merback (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 203-232
Subrenat, Jean, De l’Etranger à l’étrange ou la conjointure de la merveille (Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence, 1988).
Weever, Jacqueline de., Sheba's Daughters: Whitening and Demonizing the Saracen Woman in Medieval French Epic (Garland: New York and London,1998)
Whitaker, Cord J., ed. Special issue, ‘Making Race Matter in the Middle Ages,’ postmedieval, 6.1 (2015).
Williams, David, Deformed Discourse: the function of the monster in medieval thought and literature (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1999)