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Module Outline

Week 1

Lecture: Introduction; Medieval Misogyny and the ‘Defence’ of Women

Seminar: ‘Three Medieval Views of Women’


Week 2

Lecture: Women in Medieval Saints’ Lives

Seminar: Clemence of Barking’s ‘Vie de Sainte Catherine d’Alexandrie’


Week 3

Lecture: Christine de Pizan and the Defence of Women

Seminar: Christine de Pizan ‘La Cité des Dames’ (extracts)


Week 4

Lecture: Misogyny and Gender in the Bestiaries

Seminar: The Second Family Bestiary (extracts)


Week 5

Lecture: Anti-semitism in the Bestiaries

Seminar: The Second Family Bestiary (extracts)


Week 6

Reading Week


Week 7

Topic: Race, Religion, and the Medieval World-View

(library trip to Oxford or mapping session)


Week 8

Lecture: Parody and Otherness in Aucassin et Nicolette

Seminar: Aucassin et Nicolette


Week 9

Lecture: The Monstrous Races in Mandeville’s Travels

Seminar: Mandeville’s Travels


Week 10

Lecture: The Monstrous Races in Mandeville’s Travels

Seminar: Mandeville’s Travels