FR325 Summative Essay Titles
- Identify from relevant secondary sources the ways in which the French criminal justice system changed the way it treated young offenders in the period 1925-1949, analyse those changes and discuss Genet's response to them in L'Enfant criminel.
- ‘Dans la normalisation du pouvoir de normalisation, dans l’aménagement d’un pouvoir-savoir sur les individus, Mettray et son école font époque.’ (Foucault) Discuss this characterisation of Mettray with reference to Jean Genet's Miracle de la rose and relevant secondary sources.
- Discuss the representation of 'prison time' (Hardt) in Henri Charrière's Papillon.
- Contrast the techniques of coercive governance and prisoner resistance exercised at Mettray with those of the penal colony in French Guiana, with reference to Jean Genet's L'Enfant criminel, Henri Charrière's Papillon and relevant secondary sources.
- Examine and evaluate the representation of criminal masculinity and kinship in Henri Charrière's Papillon.
- What insight does Jérôme Ferrari's Où j'ai laissé mon âme offer into the motivations and thought processes of those members of the French army who tortured during The Algerian War?
- To what extent does Jérôme Ferrari's Où j'ai laissé mon âme help explain both the successes and the failures of torture as a technique of 'pacification'?
- Discuss the representation of the after-effects of torture in EITHER Alain Resnais's Muriel ou le temps d'un retour OR Jérôme Ferrari's Où j'ai laissé mon âme OR BOTH.
- Discuss torture and memory in Alain Resnais, Muriel ou le temps d'un retour.
- Analyse and evaluate the success of the GIP's resistance to techniques of coercive governance both at home and abroad.
- Discuss the structure, aims and methods of the GIP with particular reference to its use of the questionnaires, its tactical response to the prison riots and its focus on the 'model prison' of Fleury-Mérogis.
- 'On a les émeutes qu'on mérite.' (BADIOU) Discuss with close reference to Fassin (2011) and relevant secondary material on the 2005 riots.
- To what extent and in what ways were discriminatory policing practices to blame for the 2005 riots? Justify your answer.
- According to Mattelart and Vitalis, what are the dangers of user profiling and how persuasive is their argument? Justify your answer with reference to relevant recent research on this question and with a particular focus on the French and European dimensions.
- [Rouvroy & Berns question TBC]
- Discuss responses by the French general public and security professionals to recent acts of terrorism in light of Emmanuel Todd's Qui est Charlie and relevant secondary literature.
- [Faucon & Boukhrief question TBC]
Note that in the examination for this module you will not be permitted to answer a question on material on which you have submitted a summative essay.
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