Please note that the main resources for this module are now located on Moodle:Course: FR329:Slavery and After: Writing the Francophone Caribbean (
Week 1
Seminar week 1- Jean-Baptiste Labat’s Nouveau Voyage aux isles de l’Amérique
week 2
Seminar week 2 - Aimé Césaire, Cahier d’un retour au pays natal
week 3
Seminar week 3 - Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs - see additional article on Fanon by Adam Shatz:
Week 4
Lecture 4 power point
Lecture 4 outline
Seminars weeks 4&5 and Patrick Chamoiseau's interview for seminar
Week 5
Material for library session on 7 Feb in H4.44: key resources and preparation of session
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Lecture 9 power point
Lecture 9 outline
Week 10
Lecture 10 power point
Lecture 10 outline
Tuesday 2 May 2017, 4-6pm: Revision Session. Tuesday Week 2 (Term 3): 4-6pm