FR422 Summative Essay Titles
For 4,000-4,500 word summative essays, you may either devise your own title (to be discussed and agreed with Philippe) or choose one of the following titles:
- Is the Mitterrand era best described as a failed socialist experiment?
- Why is the French trade union movement so different from the British trade union movement?
- What role has the far left played in French politics since 1968?
- Explain the apparent decline of the left-wing intellectual.
- ‘After the Hollande presidency and catastrophic elections in 2017, the PS is a thing of the past.’ Discuss.
- How should we characterise the Gilets jaunes? Are they left or right, ‘progressive’ or ‘reactionary’?
- ‘To thrive, the left in France needs an activist base and it needs periodic revolt.’ Discuss.
- Explain the success followed by the decline of the PCF.
- Explain how the issue of anti-imperialism shaped the left in France during the 1950s and 1960s.
- Account for the emergence and (relative) success of La France Insoumise.
You may, If you wish, discuss the same text/thinker in a summative assignment as you have discussed in a piece of formative assignment, but you must not reproduce in part or whole any of your formative assignment in your summative assignment.