FR336 Further Reading
- Anderson, Perry, (ed.), Mapping the West European Left, London, Verso, 1994.
Bell, David, Parties and Democracies in France, Dartmouth, 2000.
Becker, Jean-Jacques and Candar, G. (eds.), Histoire des Gauches en France, Paris, La Découverte, 2002. (2 vols.).
Cerny, P, (ed.), Social movements and protest in France, Longwood, 1982.
Cole, Alistair, French Politics and Society, London, Longman, 2004.(2nd edn.)
Dupin, Eric, Dupin, E. (2007) A Droite toute, Fayard, Paris.
Eley, Geoff, Forging Democracy. The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000, Oxford, OUP, 2002.
Eribon, Didier, D’une revolution conservatrice et de ses effets sur la gauche française, Paris, L. Scheer, 2007.
Forbes, Jill., Hewlett, Nick and Nectoux, François, Contemporary France. Politics, Economics and Society since 1945, Longman, 2001.
Halimi, Serge, Quand la Gauche essayait. Les Leçons de l’exercise du pouvoir 1924, 1936, 1944, 1981, Paris, Arléa, 2000.
Hatzfeld, Hélène, et al, Dictionnaire de la Gauche, Paris, Larousse, 2007.
Hazareesingh, Sudir, Political Traditions in Modern France, Oxford, OUP, 1994.
Hewlett, Nick, Modern French Politics. Analysing Conflict and Consensus since 1945, Cambridge, Polity, 1998.
Hewlett, Nick, Democracy in Modern France, London, Continuum, 2003.
Jenson, Jane, `The French Left, 1945-1988’, New Left Review no 171, Sept/Oct 1988
Johnson, RW, The Long March of the French Left, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1981.
Lefranc, Georges, Les gauches en France 1789-1973, Payot, 1974.
Mouriaux, René, Le Syndicalisme en France, Paris, PUF/Que sais-je, 2005.
Noblecourt, Michel, Les Syndicats en Questions, Paris, Editions Ouvrières, 1992.
Portelli, Hugues, La politique en France sous la Ve République, Paris, Grasset,1987.
Sassoon, Donald, One Hundered Years of Socialism. The West European Left in the Twentieth Century, New Press, 1998.
Sirinelli, JF, (ed.), Dictionnaire historique de la vie politique française au XXe siècle, Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Touchard, Jean, La Gauche en France depuis 1900, Paris, Points/Histoire, 1989. Recommended for purchase.
Ysmal, Colette, Les Partis politiques sous la Ve République, Montchrestien, 1989.
Portelli, Hugues, Le Parti Socialiste, Paris, Montchrestien, 1992.
Winock, Michel, La Gauche en France, Paris, Perrin, 2006.
Week 1. Introduction: what is the left?
Lukes, Steven, ‘Qu’est-ce que la gauche?’, in Lazar 1996, op. cit., pp. 369-388.
Week 2. Key moments in the history of the French left: 1936, 1968, 1981.
(a) Front populaire:-
Bernstein, Serge, La France des années 1930, Armand Colin, 1988.
Halimi, S, op.cit.
Jackson, Julian, The Popular Front in France: Defending Democracy 1934-38, Cambridge, CUP, 1988.
Noiriel, Gérard, Les Ouvriers dans la société française, Paris, Seuil, 2002.
Lefranc, Georges, Le Front populaire, Paris, Presses Univesitaires de France, 1984.
Kergoat, Jacques, La France du Front populaire, Paris, La Découverte, 2006.
(B) May 1968:-
Hanley, David and Kerr, Patricia (eds.), May 1968: Coming of Age, 1989.
Harman, Christopher, The Fire last time: 1968 and after, London, Bookmarks, 1988.
Joffrin, Laurent, Mai 68. Histoire des événements, Paris, Seuil, 1988.
Pouvoirs No 39, 1988 (Special issue on May 1968).
Touchard, Jean, op. cit.
Week 3.The rise and fall of the Communist Party.
Adereth, M., The French Communist Party: a critical history (1920-84), Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1984.
Bell, David, and Criddle, Byron, The French Communist Party in the Fifth Republic, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994.
Courtois, Stéphane and Lazar, Marc, Histoire du Parti communiste français, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2002.
Fauvet, Jacques, Histoire du Parti communiste français, Paris, Fayard, 1978.
PCF/PS Programme commun de gouvernement, Paris, 1972.
Ranger, Jean, ‘Le déclin du parti communiste français’, in Revue française de science politique, February 1986.
Ross, George and Jenson, Jane, ‘The French Left 1945-1988’, New Left Review No 171, Sept/Oct 1988.
Lazar, Marc, Le Communisme, une passion française, Paris, Perrin, 2002.
Lazar, Marc Maisons rouges: les partis communistes français et italiens de la Libération à nos jours, Aubier Montaigne, 1992.
Ross, George, ‘Organisation and Strategy in the Decline of French Communism’, in Socialist Register, London, Merlin Press, 1988.
Ysmal, Colette, Les partis politiques sous la Ve République, Paris, Montchrestien, 1989.
Week 4.The Socialist current I: 1945-1981
Bell, David, (ed.), Contemporary French Political Parties, 1981 (chapter on PSU).
Bell, David, Parties and Democracy in France, Dartmouth, 2000.
Capdevielle, Jacques and Mouriaux, R, Mai ’68: l’entre-deux de la modernité, Paris, Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1988.
Cerny, P, (ed.), op. cit.
Cole, Alistair, François Mitterrand, London, Routledge, 1994.
Cole Alistair, French Politics and Society, London, Longman, 2004. (2nd edn.)
Hamon, Hervé and Rotman, Patrick, Génération, Paris, Seuil, tome I, 1987 et tome II, 1988.
Lazar, Marc, La Gauche en Europe depuis 1945. Invariants et mutations du socialisme européen, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1996.
Melchior, Eric, Le PS, du projet au pouvoir, De L’atelier, 1993.
Portelli, Hugues, Le socialisme tel qu’il est, Paris, PUF, 1980.
Weber, Henri, Vingt ans après: que reste-t-il de mai 1968?, Paris, Seuil, 1988.
Ysmal, C, op. cit.
Week 5.The Socialist current II: 1981-
Ambler, J, The French Socialist Experiment, 1985.
Bell, David and Criddle, Byron, The French Socialist party. The Emergence of a Party of Government, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988. (2nd edn.)
Bergounioux, Alain and Grunberg, Gérard, Le long remords du pouvoir. Le Parti socialiste française 1905-1992, Paris, Fayard, 1992.
Colombani, Jean-Marie and Portelli, Hugues, Le double Septennat de François Mitterrand, Paris, Grasset, 1995.
Daley, Anthony and Pontusson, J., ‘The Left Victory in France’, Socialist Review, Nov/Dec 1981.
Daley, Anthony, (ed.), The Mitterrand Era. Policy Alternatives and Political Mobilization in France, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1996.
Favier, Pierre and Rolland, Martin, La Décennie Mitterrand, 2: Les Réconciliations, Seuil, 1992.
Halimi, Serge, Sisyphe est fatigué. Les échecs de la gauche au pouvoir, 1993.
Hewlett, Nick 1998, op. cit., Chapter 5.
Kitschelt, H, The Transformation of European Social Democracy, Cambridge, CUP, 1994.
Lazar, Marc, (ed.), La Gauche en Europe depuis 1945, Paris, PUF, 1996.
Maclean, Mairi, (ed.), The Mitterrand Years: Legacy and Evaluation, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 1998.
Morray, Joseph, Grand Disillusion: François Mitterrand and the French Left, Praeger, 1997.
Raymond, Gino, (ed.), France during the Socialist Years, Dartmouth, 1995.
Ross, George and Jenson, Jane, op. cit.
Week 6.Reading week
Week 7.The far left
Casseron, Serge, Dictionnaire de l’extrême gauche, Paris, Larousse, 2007.
Raynaud, Philippe, L’Extrême gauche plurielle. Entre démocratie radicale et révolution, Paris, Autrement/CEVIPOV, 2006.
Sommier, Isabelle, La France rebelle. Tous les mouvements et acteurs de la contestation, Editions Michalon, 2006.
Week 8.The trade union movement I: 1945-1981.
Andolfatto, Dominique, Histoire des syndicats (1906-2006), Paris, Seuil, 2006.
Groux, Guy and Mouriaux René, La CFDT, Paris, Economica, 1989.
Mouriaux, René, Le sydicalisme en France depuis 1945, Paris, La Découverte, 2004.
Reynaud, J-D, Les syndicats en France (tomes I et II), Paris, Seuil, 1975.
Ross, George, Workers and communists in France. From Popular Front to Eurocommunism, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1978.
Noblecourt, Michel, op. cit.
Week 9. The trade union movement II: 1981-
Andolfatto, Dominique, 2006, op. cit.
- Bridgeford, G, ‘The Crisis of French Trade Unionism in the 1980s’, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol 21 no 2 Summer 1990.
- Daley, Anthony and Nolan, Melanie (eds.), The Mitterrand Era. Policy Alternatives and Political Mobilization in France, New York, New York University Press, 1996.
- Groux, Guy and Mouriaux, René, La CFDT, Economica, 1989.
- Hoffmann, Stanley, ‘Problèmes politiques et sociaux’, Les transformations du sydicalisme en France, no 801, 10 avril 1998.
Mouriaux, René, 2004, op.cit.
Ross, George and Malzacher, Sylvia, The Mitterrand Experiment, Oxford, OUP, 1987.
Mazey, Sonia and Newman, Michael, Mitterrand’s France, London, Croom Helm, 1987.
Week 10. Intellectuals and the left.
Anderson, Perry 2005: La Pensée Tiède. Paris, Seuil. (Trans. of ‘Dégringolade’ and ‘Union sucrée’, London Review of Books, 2 September 2004 and 23 September 2004.)
- Christofferson, Michael Scott, French Intellectuals Against the Left. The The Antitotalitarian Moment of the 1970s, Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2004.
- Debray, Michel, Teachers, Writers, Celebrities. The Intellectuals of Modern France, London, Verso, 1981.
- Drake, David, Intellectuals and Politics in Post-War France, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2002.
Flood, Christopher and Hewlett, Nick, ‘Structure and Change in Contemporary French Intellectual Life’, in Flood and Hewlett (eds.), Currents in Contemporary French Intellectual Life, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 2000.
Hewlett, Nick, op. cit. 1998, ch.8.
Hewlett, Nick, ‘Marxism’, in Murray, Christopher (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought, Fitzroy Dearborn/Taylor & Francis, London/New York, 2004, pp.460-464
Hewlett, Nick, Badiou, Balibar, Rancière: Rethinking Emancipation, London, Continuum, 2007.
Hamon, H and Rotman, P, op. cit.
Leymarie, Michel, Les Intellectuels et la politique en France, Paris, Que sais-je, PUF, 2001.
Ory, Pascal and Sirinelli, Jean-François, Les Intellectuels en France de l’Affaire Dreyfus à nos jours, Armand Colin, 1992.
Ross, G, ‘Intellectuals against the Left: the case of France’, in Socialist Register, 1990.
Ross, Hoffmann and Malzacher, (eds.), op. cit.
Winock, Michel, Le Siècle des intellectuels, Seuil, 1999.
Wolin, Michael, ‘The Grandeur and Twighlight of French Philosophical Radicalism’, in Flood, Christopher and Hewlett, Nick, (eds.), Currents in Contemporary French Intellectual Life, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 2000.