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GE 108: The Changing Face of Germany in Text and Film

Module texts

You should buy the following texts for term 1, all of which should be available at the University Bookshop:

  • Heinrich Böll, Das Brot der frühen Jahre (you will need to read this by Monday of week 3!)
  • Peter Weiss, Die Ermittlung

The texts you will need for terms 2 & 3 are:

  • Bernhard Schlink, Der Vorleser
  • Elfriede Jelinek, Die Liebhaberinnen
  • Heinrich Böll, Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum
  • Wladimir Kaminer, Russendisko
  • Ulrich Plenzdorf, Die neuen Leiden des jungen W.

Further reading and bibliographies

In addition to reading the primary texts and viewing the films for the module, you will want to consult secondary literature and read around the topics. The Warwick German Studies Web is a superb resource, which contains a bibliographic search function. This can be found at:

You also have access to digitised versions of some of the secondary literature for the course, available from the Library website through:

Please, though, use secondary literature judiciously. Not everything which has been published on a text is reliable, and essays or books will reflect the interests and inclinations of their authors. When using secondary literature in your essays, you must ensure that you accredit the words or ideas/arguments of others by providing a reference. If you fail to do so, you run the risk of committing plagiarism. So, if in doubt, please consult your module tutor or a member of staff.