The module is assessed by two pieces of formal assessed work and an examination:
- a textual commentary of between 1,500 and 2,000 words, to be submitted in Week 1 of Term 2 (worth 20% of the overall end-of-year mark for this module)
- a 3,000 word essay, to be submitted in Week 1 of Term 3 (worth 30% of the overall mark)
- a 3-hour written examination, to be sat in Term 3 (worth 50% of the overall mark for the module)
You must follow the published assessment guidelines
Assessment 1
Assessment work (Essay 1) for 2014-15 can be downloaded here.
Assessment 2
Assessment work (Essay 2) for 2014-15 can be downloaded here.
Deadlines are listed in the UG Studies Handbook
Assessment 3
is by examination in the summer.
- You can get some idea of the types of question asked in past papers by accessing the on-line store of past papers.