GE 207: German Culture in the Age of Revolution
Secondary reading
You will be provided each week with lecture handouts and seminar worksheets which will provide more detailed lists of relevant secondary reading.
The first place to look for secondary material is the on-line bibliography associated with this module. Start by typing in just one word from the title - Eckbert, Erdbeben - as the more you type, the greater the risk of mis-typing something. Don't forget too that you can download the results to your PC - there's no need to copy them out by hand!.
If an item is listed in the bibliography it is definitely in the library - so ask if you can't find it! You'll find that journal articles will often be of more use to you than books - so get used to consulting those. Almost all the articles cited for this module are available in a digital form ready for downloading in pdf format.
The following are useful general introductions and overviews:
Historical background:
Mary Fulbrook (ed.), German History since 1800 (London, 1997)
Eda Sagarra, A Social History of Germany 1648-1914 (London, 1977)
Eda Sagarra, An Introduction to Nineteenth Century Germany (London, 1980)
Cultural and literary background:
Beutin, Wolfgang et al., A History of German Literature from the Beginnings to the Present Day (London, 1993),
Eda Sagarra and Peter Skrine, A Companion to German Literature (Oxford, 1997)
Brunschwig, Henri, Enlightenment and Romanticism in Eighteenth-century Prussia (Chicago, 1974)
Norman Hampson, The Enlightenment (London, 1968)
Dorinda Outram, The Enlightenment (Cambridge, 1995)
Hugh Honour Neo-Classicism (London, 1968)
Hugh Honour Romanticism (London, 1979)
S. S. Prawer (ed.), The Romantic Period in Germany (Oxford, 1970)
Isaiah Berlin, The Roots of Romanticism (London, 1999)
William Vaughan, German Romantic Painting (New Haven & London, 1980)
Hans Reiss, The Political Thought of the German Romantics (Oxford, 1955)
Individual authors:
Ritchie Robertson, “Dies Hohe Lied der Duldung‘? The Ambiguities of Toleration in Lessing’s Die Juden and Nathan der Weise.” The Modern Language Review 93, no. 1 (January 1, 1998): 105–120.
Martin Swales and Erika Swales, Reading Goethe: A critical introduction to the literary work (Rochester N.Y., 2002)
T.J. Reed, Goethe (Oxford, 1984)
Nicholas Boyle, Goethe, the Poet and the Age, vols 1 & 2 (Oxford, 1992ff.)
T.J. Reed, Schiller (Oxford, 1991)
Lesley Sharpe, Friedrich Schiller (Cambridge, 1991)
Seán Allan, The Plays of Heinrich von Kleist. Ideals and Illusions (Cambridge, 1996)
Hilda M. Brown, Heinrich von Kleist. The Ambiguity of Art and the Necessity of Form (Oxford, 1998)
David Constantine, Hölderlin (Oxford, 1988)
Jeffrey L. Sammons, Heinrich Heine. A Modern Biography (Princeton, 1979)