GE 432: 'The Self and the Others: ...': Content and Structure.
Teaching will consist of nine two-hour seminars in term 1. The first hour will usually involve a (partially interactive) lecture and the second hour will involve seminar-style group discussions and student presentations.
The weekly breakdown of topics and textual foci is as follows:
Week 1: Lecture: Introduction: Enlightenment and its Others
Key texts: excerpts from Stuart Hall, 'The Spectacle of the 'Other', in Hall, ed., Representation. Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (Sage 1997), Paul du Gay et al., ed., Identity: a Reader (Sage 2000), Simon Malpas and Paul Wake, eds., The Routledge Companion to Critical Theory (Routledge 2006), Silvia Bovenschen, Die imaginierte Weiblichkeit (Suhrkamp, 1979), Sigrid Lange, Ob die Weiber Menschen sind. Geschlechterdebatten um 1800 (Reclam Leipzig, 1992), Edward Said, Orientalism (Penguin, 2003).
Week 2: Lecture: Enlightened Cosmopolitanism? G.E. Lessing and Nathan der Weise.
Seminar: Nathan der Weise part I
Key text: Lessing’s Nathan der Weise
Week 3: Seminar: Nathan (Part II).
Lecture: Representing the Other in Poetry by Schiller
Key text: Handout of Schiller’s lyrical poetry
Week 4: Seminar: The Feminine Other in Schiller’s poetry
Week 5: Lecture: Romantic Encounters? Selves and Others in Novalis
Seminar: Novalis and Heinrich von Ofterdingen
Week 6: Reading Week: No sessions
Week 7: Lecture: Christians, Muslims and Otherness: E.T.A Hoffmann, Das Sanctus
Seminar: Hoffmann’s Das Sanctus.
Week 8: Lecture: Man – Woman – Black – White: Discourses of Alterity in Romanticism
Lecture: Heinrich von Kleist and Caroline Auguste Fischer: Writing and Identity
Week 9: Seminar: Kleist’s Die Verlobung in St Domingo
Seminar: Fischer’s William der Neger
Week 10: Lecture: Inscribing Boundaries: Gender, Jews and Gentiles in Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
Seminar: Droste’s Judenbuche