Seminar Week 3
Seminar 2 : ‘Veglia’, ‘In dormiveglia’, ‘Pellegrinaggio’
Does ‘Veglia’ provide a positive or negative view of war? (divide into two groups)
What effect is created by the phrase ‘intera nottata’?
Discuss the resonances of lines 5-7.
Comment on the type of language used in the poem.
How is the poem structured? How does each line begin?
‘In dormiveglia’
Create a ‘mind map’ centered on the words ‘lace’ and ‘war’.
The poem hinges on a series of juxtapositions. Identify and discuss these.
Discuss the extended metaphor around which the poem is structured.
The poem starts with the phrase ‘assisto la notte violentata’. In what other circumstances would you use the verb ‘assistere’ and what are the implications here?
Examine the use of consonance (repetition of consonant sound) in lines 3, 5 and 6.
What image of the soldier is presented?
Examine the function of repetition, alliteration and consonance.
How does the poet address himself and what is the significance of this?
Discuss the religious connotations of the poem.
What view of war is presented here?