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IT301 - 4 in 1

The module is taught through four hours of tuition each week for 21 weeks: 9 weeks in terms 1 and 2 (to accommodate the reading week in week 6) and 3 weeks in term 3. The course is divided into writing, translation, and oral work.





The writing part of the course aims to familiarise students with a range of contemporary Italian. In particular students will be encouraged (i) to learn how to develop and express an opinion and (ii) to tell a story. Summary work and extensive grammar revision will also feature in this part of the course. This class will foster language awareness through translation from English into Italian and Italian into English. Translation from Italian into English will focus on a range of registers, e.g. contemporary fiction, journalism, critical writing. The classes revise and extend students’ command of grammatical structures. Students will engage in conversation and learn how to sustain an oral presentation.