Esami finali
Esame scritto (Writing Exa m)
One Essay (no less than 400 words) and one Summary of a magazine article (250 words). You will have a choice of 5 essays.
t time allowed: 3 hours
Esame Orale (Oral Exam)
The exam will consist of a 5-6 minutes presentation followed by questions from the examiners. Topics should be based on aspects of Italian culture, society and current affairs.
Date: week 4 - Students must inform the tutor of their chosen topic by Thursday week 2, 1 p.m. Appropriate forms will be provided in class.
The patterns of assessment are as follows:
-students who have spent the previous year in Italy: October aural 15%; October oral 15%
May oral 10%; Translation 30%; Essay 30%
- students who have not spent the previous year in Italy: May oral 20%; Translation 30%; Essay 30%