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German Studies

The below course structure is indicative. Modules on offer change year on year, dependent on staff research interests and availability.


Year One

Core Modules
  Modern German Language 1 (GE101-30)
  Independent Project (LN115-30)
Optional Modules
  Translation: Methods and Practice (LN102-30) OR approved 30 credits optional module in another academic department or the Language Centre  

Year Two/Three

Core Modules
  Modern German Language II (GE201-30)
Optional Modules
  Second-year German Studies modules (30-60 credits) may include SMLC LN modules
  Approved outside option (up to 30 credits)
  All outside options are subject to the approval of the SMLC Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Year Two/Three - Spent Abroad

Year Four

Core Modules
  Modern German Language 3 (GE401-30)
Optional Modules

Final-year German Studies Modules (60-90 credits) may include SMLC LN modules such as LN400 Dissertation and LN401 Independent Research Project, subject to the approval of the module convenor.

  Approved outside option (up to 30 credits)
  All outside options are subject to the approval of the SMLC Director of Undergraduate Studies.