Warwick Careers Society 2021/2022 Exec Recruitment
Warwick Careers Society has re-established in 2020 and aims to support students throughout the journey of career planning which can be overwhelming. Our goal is to bring visibility to not so well-known careers and to help students understand more about the world and themselves when exploring. Over the past year, we have organised one of the biggest career conferences, regular CV and cover letter workshops along with a series of podcasts. While continuing these events, we will also introduce more exciting programmes for the upcoming year and are looking for passionate students to join us and grow with the society.
Recruitment is open to ALL students and we look forward to building a team of students from different degree backgrounds to introduce the diversity of careers. Whether you have attended our conference, were part of the society or only found out what it is about, we look forward to having you join our Exec team.
Recruitment for Co-President, Marketing, Conference & Podcast, Liaison, Events and IT team heads is now open. Interested in applying to be part of the Warwick Careers Society 2022 Exec? Nominations are now open and will close on 27th June 2021 at 09:00 BST.
Further details of each role can be found here and on our Facebook and Instagram pages.