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SMLC invites expressions of interest for Leverhulme ECFs (internal deadline: 15 Jan)

Warwick's School of Modern Languages and Cultures welcomes expressions of interest for a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship. The School has enjoyed significant success in postdoctoral schemes in recent years and is keen to support postdoctoral candidates whose profiles fit the Leverhulme Trust's specifications and whose proposed research speaks to the School’s key research strengths within and across French, German, Hispanic and Italian Studies.
Warwick's School of Modern Languages and Cultures is one of the UK’s leading sites of research in its associated disciplines. In the 2014 REF, our research outputs were ranked 5th in the UK. 80% of our research and 80% of our 'impact' were ranked at 4* or 3*, and 100% of our environment was ranked as world-leading or internationally excellent. Our overall output ranking places us at the top of the Russell Group.
Our outstanding research profile draws upon established research excellence in French Studies, German Studies, Hispanic Studies, and Italian Studies. While maintaining recognized research strengths across a wide chronological and geographical range, the School strongly promotes innovative research in several interdisciplinary fields such as medieval and renaissance studies, film history and aesthetics, postcolonial and transnational studies, translation studies, war, trauma and memory studies, and representations of disability, gender, sexuality, and cultural identity. It raises issues of linguistic, cultural, regional, national, and ethnic diversity in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and North, Central and South America, explores the significance and impact of many different types of aesthetic expression and conceptualization, philosophical, political and cultural thinking, and pays particular attention to the reception and reshaping of philosophical, intellectual, or literary traditions, cultural hybridity and transnationalization, encounters and translations between cultures, physical and intellectual mobility, and reconceptualisations of art.
With eleven postdoctoral fellows and around fifty postgraduate researchers currently working within the School, the environment for early-career researchers is a vibrant and welcoming one. Strong programmes are in place for mentoring and supporting ECRs. If you are inspired by the prospect of continuing your research in these surroundings, please make initial contact with one of the following:
Dr David Lines (Italian Studies; general and interdisciplinary enquiries) –
Professor Ingrid De Smet (French Studies) – 
Dr Christine Achinger (German Studies) –
Dr Kirsty Hooper (Hispanic Studies) –
How to Apply
Candidates should submit an academic CV, a two-page research proposal, a list of publications (the latter two formatted according to the Notes for Applicants available at, and a paragraph explaining their choice of the host institution by 15th January 2018. Decisions about which candidates to take forward will be made by the end of January so as to meet the scheme’s deadline of 1st March. Materials should be sent to Mrs Caroline Parker ( In their covering email message, candidates should indicate the staff member at Warwick with whom they have discussed their application.
Applicants are strongly advised to make contact early on with a member of academic staff in a closely related area.
More Information
 Further information about research in the School, including strands and specific staff specialisms, can be found at

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