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SMLC Statement on recent disciplinary hearings

SMLC statement on recent disciplinary hearings  

Following several news articles and social media threads regarding a group chat case at Warwick, the School of Modern Languages and Cultures would like to express its strong and unwavering support for the women hurt by the appalling comments and attitudes expressed in the chat. The School was not involved in, and was given no prior knowledge of, the appeals process and its outcome. However, we have urgently contacted the university and are working to ensure all our students are supported during their studies with us.

We reaffirm our unreserved condemnation of sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, anti-Semitic, ableist and other discriminatory and degrading comments and behaviour. They have no place in our academic community. We believe that mutual respect, respect for the dignity of others, and a true concern for the wellbeing of all should inform our work and study.

We call on Warwick to ensure that all those students harmed by the abhorrent comments do not confront further difficulties because of this case. Students who confront or are affected by behaviour contrary to the University’s Dignity and Ethics codes should feel able to report such instances without fear or repercussion. Students in the SMLC seeking wellbeing support or who are concerned about this case should consult their Personal Tutor, the School Senior Tutor, or the Head of School. We are currently providing bespoke support to any students particularly affected by this incident.

We support the Department of History's call for university senior management to meet with students and address their concerns.

We reiterate our commitment to a dignified and respectful study and working environment and will continue to work to ensure that our School is an inclusive, respectful, and supportive academic community.


Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, Head of School, Hispanic Studies

Jo Lee, Deputy Head of School, Italian Studies

James Hodkinson, Head of German Studies

Douglas Morrey, Head of French Studies

David Lees, Senior Tutor, SMLC, French Studies

Tom Whittaker, Head of Hispanic Studies

Evan Stewart, Director of the Language Centre

Fabio Camiletti, Head of Italian Studies

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