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SMLC - News and events

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Call for Presenters: An event to celebrate UN World Cities Day

In anticipation of our ‘Global Challenges, Local Solutions’ event programme starting in December 2022, and building on the innovative and collaborative ‘Getting Creative with Sustainability’ programme launched earlier this year, the Sustainable Cities GRP is hosting a showcase and workshops to highlight and build on the best co-created research between Warwick academics, local government, industry and civil society groups. While this is a call for presenters - attendees can register to attend the event as well.

Find out more and sign up to present your research Sustainable Cities GRP Events (

Mon 26 Sept 2022, 14:33 | Tags: Modern Languages - Research news

Waswasa - A Soul City Arts Production For the Birmingham 2022 Festival, with contributions by Dr James Hodkinson.

Waswasa - A Soul City Arts Production For the Birmingham 2022 Festival, with contributions by Dr James Hodkinson. Running from Aug 25- Sept 3, this is a multi media spectacle, including film, live physical theatre, immersive sound and graphic arts. The project aims to detoxify and demystify the often misunderstood tradition of Islamic prayer, and uses a blend of high-end digital art and the tactile productions of community arts projects to ensure local voices are at the heart of this internationally renowned project

Double success for SMLC at Warwick Awards for Public and Community Engagement

The Warwick Awards for Public and Community Engagement (WAPCE), like the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATELink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window), and Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence (WAPTE), celebrate the very best of Warwick’s staff and students. The WAPCE awards recognise the vital contributions Warwick staff and students make in engaging the public – on an international and national level as well as crucially within our region and local communities – in our learning and discovery, with the goals of sharing and co-producing knowledge, strengthening the role we play in the region and showcasing the role Warwick plays nationally and internationally in making the world a better place.

SMLC is delighted that 2 of our most engaged researchers' work in public and community engagement has been recognised.

James Hodkinson has won a staff award for his work on community events and arts projects designed to facilitate cross-community encounters, enhance public debate, cross-community empathy and more nuanced mutual understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim communities in towns and cities across the UK.

Abigail Coppins won a Postgraduate award for the ways in which her research into Black prisoners of war in Britain during the French Revolution has had a significant impact on the young Black women at the National Youth Theatre who were involved in the R&D of a new play, The Ancestors. Her research has fed into educational resources for NYT and English Heritage and inspired a delegation of Garifuna people to travel from central America and the US to visit Portchester castle where the prisoners were held. Her work has also introduced Black undergraduates and young people from a community of 2nd generation St Vincentians in High Wycombe to the National Archives. She has, therefore, improved knowledge, strengthened networks, engaged with people from non-traditional backgrounds.

SMLC Newsletter Summer Term Week 10

Mon 27 Jun 2022, 09:25 | Tags: SMLC News

Professor Jim Shields on BBC, CNBC, France 24, Al Jazeera and other channels

Professor Jim Shields appeared on BBC World, France 24, TRT World, CNBC, Al Jazeera and TVP World to discuss the French National Assembly elections. He gave interviews to Chile’s El Mercurio, Mexico’s El Universal and Colombia’s Portafolio.  

Wed 22 Jun 2022, 14:21 | Tags: French - News SMLC News

In memorium: Mark Treharne

Those who remember the French Department in the days of Donald Charlton will be saddened to learn of the death of Mark Treharne, who taught in the Department until 1992. Mark was an inspiring teacher who cared deeply about his students. He was also a gifted translator and pianist, giving recitals in aid of charity. His translations include works by his friend the poet Jaccottet, as well as Jacques Réda, Rimbaud, and Proust’s The Guermantes Way. He once said he would go to the stake for Proust.

His funeral will be on 29 June at 2 p.m. at Golder's Green Crematorium, and will also be relayed online.

Linda Paterson

22 June 2022

Wed 22 Jun 2022, 10:01 | Tags: French - News Modern Languages - News SMLC News

Staff Culture Focus Groups – sign up now open.

Following up on initial survey findings, from the recent staff culture survey to explore staff sense of belonging and inclusivity at the University, a series of six independently run focus groups (via Sea-Change Consultancy) are taking place to further explore some specific staff experiences.

Tue 14 Jun 2022, 14:50

Student Experience Department - Alumni Guest Talk - Steve Attridge

Join us for an online session with Warwick Alumni Dr Steve Attridge who will talk about his experience having an interdisciplinary creative career. Topics he will cover:

  • Benefits and drawbacks of formal education for working in the Arts
  • Working with and against institutions
  • Flexibility and reinventing yourself
  • Pick and mix different kinds of work
  • What do you want and what do you really want?
  • Making and forsaking plans

This is an online session on MS Teams and students can register HERE.

Join the online event HERE.

About the guest:

Steve is a freelance writer and author. Former student and academic in creative writing at Warwick. Since leaving Warwick Steve has since taught all over the world. Steve’s latest book is called Sometimes I Disappear. So far Steve has written 25 books, over 100 TV Drama and Film scripts, 2 BAFTA nominations and won 2 RTS Awards and 2 Writers Guild Awards. He loves writing pieces that have light and shade and move from comedy to the dark side. 

Find more about Steve on www.steveattridge.comLink opens in a new window

Tue 31 May 2022, 15:00 | Tags: Student Experience

Warwick hosts the Annual Conference of ELEUK (Association for the Teaching of Spanish in Higher Education in the UK)

Hispanic Studies at the University of Warwick is delighted to be hosting the Annual Conference of ELEUK (Association for the Teaching of Spanish in Higher Education in the UK) on 16-17 June. Find out more about the event here!Link opens in a new window

Warwick hosts the Annual Conference of ELEUK (Association for the Teaching of Spanish in Higher Education in the UK)

"Do Not Use Orc-Speak": Social media discourses on Russian in Ukraine in the wake of war: Dr Ivan Kozachenko (Jagiellonian University, Poland)

MITN Webinar

We look forward to welcoming Dr Ivan Kozachenko, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Taube Centre for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, for his webinar '"Do Not Use Orc-Speak": Social media discourses on Russian in Ukraine in the wake of war'.

Mon 30 May 2022, 13:24 | Tags: Applied Lingusitics

Applied Linguistics Seminar Series - Language. Culture. Matters: Dr Valentina Bartali (University of Warwick)

An online seminar this week as part of our Applied Linguistics Seminar Series - Language. Culture. Matters. On 1 June (Wed), we're delighted to have Dr Valentina Bartali from University of Warwick as our speaker:

Mon 30 May 2022, 13:21 | Tags: Applied Lingusitics, Language. Culture. Matters.

Creating Space: exploring wellbeing through art

A student led public engagement project at the University of Warwick.

Aim: To connect the local community and University of Warwick through providing positive & accessible art and wellbeing sessions.

Who will be involved? Local artists, Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, Department of Psychology.

Tue 24 May 2022, 15:57 | Tags: Postgraduates, Undergraduate

Christine Achinger will be giving one of the Plenary Lectures at the 14th Critical Theory Conference in Rome, 18-16 May 2022

Constructions of Gender, Nation and Jewishness as Constellation – Intersectionality and Critical Theory

Sun 15 May 2022, 15:14 | Tags: German - News German - Research news

Jennifer Burns

Transnational Modern Languages: A Handbook, ed. by Jennifer Burns and Derek Duncan (Liverpool University Press, 2022). The cornerstone volume of the 'Transnational Modern Languages' series: 37 short essays on keywords for thinking critically about languages and cultures, from 'Animal' to 'Voice'.

Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts Event on Tuesday 24 May

A CELEBRATION of our long-time colleagues

Miguel Beistegui

Peter Poellner

Wed 11 May 2022, 14:33 | Tags: Modern Languages - News SMLC News

Monash Warwick Alliance Showcase

On Tuesday 17 May 11.00 – 13.00, the Monash Warwick Alliance Showcase will announce new funding opportunities for researchers, educators, professional staff, and students interested in establishing collaborations with Monash colleagues.

Wed 11 May 2022, 10:41 | Tags: Postgraduates, SMLC News, Undergraduate

David Lines

The Dynamics of Learning in Early Modern Italy: Arts and Medicine at the University of Bologna (Harvard University Press, early 2023).

Tue 10 May 2022, 10:37 | Tags: Italian - Publications

Fabio Camilletti

Spettriana. Storie di fantasmi dell'antica Europa, ed. and transl. by Fabio Camilletti (Milan: ABEditore, 2022)

Tue 10 May 2022, 10:36 | Tags: Italian - Publications

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