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Warwick's School of Languages and Cultures placed among elite in latest QS world rankings

In the most recent QS world rankings by subject, Modern Languages at Warwick were ranked 30th in the world. This is a rise of 3 places on last year’s position in the same table. Warwick remains 6th in the UK according to the QS methodology.

Statement about terrorist attacks in Brussels 22 March 2016

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures is concerned to hear of two explosions at the Brussels airport (Zaventem), and at Brussels metro stations (Maelbeek and Schuman) near the EU, this morning, 22 March. This situation has been reported as a terrorist attack, and the Belgian ministry has placed the country on maximum alert.

We are asking all our students in Brussels and Belgium at the moment to confirm immediately their safety for us, as your welfare is our first priority. If you wish to speak to anyone about your safety or welfare, please contact your Personal Tutor in the first instance, or you can contact David Lees (, Pierre-Philippe Fraiture ( or Cathy Hampton (

Brussels hosts a number of international institutions (EU and NATO), as well as government and foreign embassy buildings, which are sensitive locations. Please be vigilant at this time.

Transport, and especially flight travel, are likely to be severely disrupted today into and out of Belgium, and there will be enhanced border controls and a heightened military presence. We hear at this time (08:30 British time) that the Brussels metro has been closed. If you are planning to travel or from the UK in the near future, you may need to plan for the extra time that it may take to go through security checks. Security has been stepped up at Paris and Frankfurt airports.

Further updates may be provided by the University via the Insite web page.

Our deepest sympathies go to anyone affected by these latest outrages, and we ask all our students once again to verify their safety to us at the earliest opportunity.

Professor Seán Hand, Head of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick UK.

Deirdre McMahon's translations published

Many congratulations to Deirdre McMahon, student taking the MA in Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference, who has had her translations of two poems by Austrian-Slovene writer, Maja Haderlap, published in Berlin-based journal, No-Mans-Land: see

James Hodkinson in Public Discussion with Baroness Warsi and the Bishop of Guildford

Dr. James Hodkinson of SMLC, currently researching Islam in German History, has been invited to take part in an event hosted by Woking People of Faith Interfaith forum, alongside prominent speakers in Woking on November 18th, 7pm.

Statement for students in Paris

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures is shocked and saddened by the events on Friday 13 November in Paris. We send our solidarity and sympathy to all those affected. We ask all our students in Paris at the moment to verify their safety for us and to read this statement.

Professor Seán Hand, Head of School.

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