Dr Christine Achinger reports back about her Fellowship at the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Michigan
'In spring 2013, Dr Christine Achinger (German Studies) found out that she had been awarded a Fellowship at the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), where she joined an international group of scholars working in the area of Jewish Studies and Gender for the academic year 2013-14. Dr Achinger's research in Ann Arbor explores the interrelation of images of femininity and Jewishness in a number of case studies, located at important junctures in modern German and Austrian history between the Enlightenment and the Fin de Siècle. Rather than focusing exclusively on the commonalities between these images of alterity, e.g. in the figure of the 'effeminate Jew' or the 'beautiful Jewess', this project also explores their different and often complementary discursive functions. Through an investigation of these constructions of different kinds of 'others', this study also aims to shed light on changing concerns regarding capitalist modernity, masculine identity and the constitution of the national community.'