Series of seminars run by the community of PhD students in Italian Studies.
CALENDAR for Academic Year 2014/2015
13 October 2014 - 6 p.m. - room H3.55
Tommaso De Robertis (University of Parma, Italy), Aristotle or Machiavelli? Ancient philosophy within Machiavelli's political thought
Chair: Giacomo Comiati
30 October 2014 - 6 p.m. - room H4.03
'Italian XX century literary experiences between fantastic and childhood fiction'
Valentina Abbatelli
, Always arguing with pictures. Translators-illustrators of Uncle Tom's Cabin under Italian Fascism

Paola Roccella
, Fantastic hybridizations: human, animal and textuality in post-WWII Italian literature

Chair: Elio Baldi
1 December 2014 - 6:15 p.m. - room H3.55
Giulia Brecciaroli, Milan and Turin in 1960s and 1970s Italian Crime Fiction. A Comparative Analysis on Giorgio Scerbanenco and Fruttero & Lucentini
Georgia Wall, Italian-ness and notions of success in migration: case studies of celebrities in the British-Italian community
Chair: Maria Belova
25 February 2014 - 6 p.m. - room H3.45
Linde Luijnenburg
, The Grotesque as a Multifunctional Tool. Deconstructing the Imperial Narrative in Two Commedie by Ettore Scola

Goffredo Polizzi
, The Art of change. Goliarda Sapienza's The Art of Joy as a Postcolonial Novel

Chair: Gioia Panzarella
30 April 2014 - 5 p.m. - room H4.03
Alessandro Metlica (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), Storia di una sconfitta culturale. Il libertinismo italiano nei secoli XVII-XVIII
Chair: Giacomo Comiati
21 May 2014 - 5.30 p.m. - room H4.03
Elio Baldi
, The author as frame: Italo Calvino in the context of literary criticism
Elio Baldi

Maria Belova
, Giovanni Raboni as a translator: Reflecting Baudelaire's modernità

Chair: Valentina Abbatelli
If you want to deliver a paper or have any query, please, contact the organisers:
Giacomo Comiati

Gioia Panzarella