New volume edited by Professor Anne Fuchs (Warwick German Studies) and Jonathan Long (Durham)
We are pleased to announce the publication of
Time in German Literature and Culture, 1900 – 2015
Between Acceleration and Slowness
Eds. Anne Fuchs and Jonathan Long,
(Palgrave/Macmillan 2015)
This interdisciplinary volume explores the social, psychological, and historical impact of acceleration through the medium of culture. Current sociological theories of acceleration and theoretical contributions to modernity’s transformation of temporality are set in critical dialogue with a wide range of perspectives that illuminate expressions of and cultural responses to acceleration in literature, film, the visual arts, architecture, new media, and popular culture.
Contributors: Aleida Assmann, Elizabeth Boa, Mary Cosgrove, Carolin Duttlinger, Anne Fuchs, Dirk Göttsche, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Jonathan Long, Gillian Pye, Matthias Uecker, Andrew J. Webber.
Palgrave Macmillan 2015, 288 pages,
Palgrave Studies in Modern European Literature
Hardcover ISBN 978-1-137-41186-0