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Now you’ve had a chance to read through the stories, let’s share what we’ve learnt with others using Padlet or by talking to our friends! Here are some activities that we suggest for you. To add ideas to the padlets, all you have to do is to click on the + button in the bottom right-hand corner. When you add an idea, don't forget to tell us:

  • Which school you go to.

  • How old you are.

Let's start off with talking about the students' stories! Can you tell us:
    • Where the stories took place
    • What else you've found out about these places (see the questions that follow the stories)
    • What you've found out and what you think about the stories either by putting a pin on the map below or by using your own interactive map:

    Made with Padlet
    Next, which special place would you like to tell a story about? Tell us:
      • Where is your special or your favourite place in the whole wide world?
      • Do you go there often, or have you never been before but really want to go?
        • Why is it your special or your favourite place?
        • What would your story in this place be about?

        Complete the 'special places' handout here or add to the padlet below.

        Made with Padlet

        Sometimes when we learn a foreign language there are particular words that we really like! Perhaps they just sound nice, perhaps they talk about something special and different – like a food, or a sport. Below are some ideas of cool Spanish, German, and French words -


        Do you know what they all mean in English?

        Large black metal cut-out in the desert in the shape of a bullGuinea pig amongst the grassA rainbow across a landscape

        Now, we want you to share your special words with us!

          • Write your favourite word in a different language on the Padlet.
          • Tell us why you like it!
          • Add pictures if you would like

          Made with Padlet