Welcome to the PG electronic submission page. Please read all of the information below carefully before submitting your assignment.
Essays must be submitted electronically via the e-submission website. The 12 noon deadline given below refers to both the electronic submission AND the hard copy submission.
Submitting your essay:
It is important that you check the following in the document you are going to upload:
- Format: you can only submit word documents as .doc or .docx.
- Anonymity: your essay should not contain your name, just your student number.
- References and bibliography: make sure you have fully acknowledged all the sources used in your essay. The Department of French Studies may put any assignment through the “JISC source matching service” (anti-plagiarism software) to verify that the document is your own work.
The procedure for submitting your essay is as follows:
- Login to the E-submission page using your own university login.
- All your due assignments will be listed.
- Your University ID number will be displayed.
- Your attachment will be automatically prefixed by the system with your student number and course code.
- Once the essay has been submitted electronically, you will receive a receipt for your essay by email; this should be printed and attached to a hard copy of your essay (please remember to remove your name from the email receipt and leave only your university number, so that your submission remains anonymous).
Please hand in this hard copy (together with your email receipt) to the Sub-faculty PG secretary Caroline Parker (room H2.43) by 12 noon at the latest on the day of the deadline. Both the electronic submission AND the hard copy submission must be completed by 12 noon. Failure to submit EITHER the elctronic version OR the hard copy by the specified deadline will mean that your essay is late, and will normally be liable to a penalty of 5 percentage points per working day or part of working day that it is late.
- Submit here