Seminars and conferences in Italian Studies
Funded with the generous support of the Humanities Research Centre
These events took place in 2016-2017
Term 1
Dr Fabrizio Foni (University of Malta)
Magic is the New Black: Gothic Tradition, Cross-Dressing, and Pulp Fiction
Respondent: Dr Fabio Camilletti (Italian Studies)
Term 2
Wednesday 25 January, 5-7pm H4.03
Dr Letizia Panizza (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Seeking the Ideal Wife: A Man's Never-ending Task!
Respondents: Dr Bryan Brazeau and Anna-Laura Puliafito (Italian Studies)
Monday 30 January, 5-7pm H5.45
Literary Translation Workshop with translator Richard Dixon
Dr Caterina Sinibaldi (University of Warwick)
Language and Power: Translation and Popular Culture in the Fascist Regime
Respondent: Dr Mila Milani (Italian Studies)
Identities in Motion
Confirmed speakers:
Marco Delogu (photographer - Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in London),
Shirin Ramzanali Fazel (writer),
Simone Varriale (University of Warwick)
Organizers: Gianmarco Mancosu and Gioia Panzarella (Italian Studies)
Wednesday 8 March, 5-7pm H4.03
Dr Bobby Xinyue (University of Warwick)
Ovid in the Renaissance: the Poetic Calendar of Ambrogio Novidio Fracco, between Paganism and Christianity
Respondent: Dr Maude Vanhaelen (Classics and Italian Studies)
Term 3
Book Presentation
Roberto Esposito (SNS, Pisa) will present his latest book Da Fuori. Una filosofia per l'Europa (Einaudi 2016), in conversation with Elettra Stimilli (Roma La Sapienza), Jennifer Burns (Warwick, Italian), Miguel Beistegui (Warwick, Philosophy). flyer
Followed by wine reception, Warwick University Bookshop, 7pm - 8pm
The event is supported by the HRC-funded Italian Studies Research Seminars and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 660528.
These book presentations are part of the series of events on Italian Thought: Origins and Actuality (University of Warwick, May 3-4 May) organized by Alessandra Aloisi and Fabio Camilletti (Italian Studies), in collaboration with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (Italian) and the Department of Philosophy (Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts; Research Seminar in Post-Kantian Philosophy).