Roma-Italia: oltre Fellini e Pasolini?
In conversation: Andrea Minuz and Guido Vitiello (Sapienza, Rome)
Chair: Fabio Camilletti (Warwick)
The British School at Rome
29 March 2014, 10am
As a part of the AHRC-funded network Roman Modernities, and as an ideal complement to the SIS interim conference 2014, a conversation on the legacies of Pasolini and Fellini, the image of Rome, and the role of the intellectual in contemporary Italy. To paraphrase a recent book by Pierpaolo Antonello, can we forget Fellini and Pasolini? How does their Rome-related imaginary still haunt us? And what does their legacy still tell us about Italy and about the image of Italy abroad?
Andrea Minuz teaches cinema and media studies at the University of Rome 'Sapienza'. He has worked on Hitchcock, Bergman, Murnau, and has recently published Viaggio al termine dell'Italia. Fellini politico (2012).
Guido Vitiello teaches Sociologia dei Processi Culturali e Comunicativi at the University of Rome 'Sapienza'. He has extensively published on contemporary cinema and pop culture, and regularly collaborates with Il Corriere della Sera, Il Foglio, Internazionale, and Il Sole 24 Ore.