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IGSD thematic priorities

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New member of the IGSD team - Dr Hita Unnikrishnan - starting soon!

Especially delighted to announce this news: IGSD is very happy to announce that Dr Hita Unnikrishnan will be joining IGSD on 3 June 2024 as our new Assistant Professor. Presently Hita is Newton International Fellow at the University of Sheffield, and prior that she worked as Assistant Professor at the Trans-Disciplinary University, and as a post-doctoral research associate at Azim Premji University, both based in Bengaluru, India. She obtained her Ph.D from Manipal University, India; ATREE, Bengaluru. Hita was also a recipient of the Prof. Elinor Ostrom Fellowship on Practice and Policy on the Commons in 2013.


International Advisory Board meeting for the BASIC project ' A Turning Point: Creating a Sustainable Security Architecture in Europe'

IAB met today to give feedback on a paper produced by Dr Gry Thomasen, Senior Policy Fellow & Programme Manager. The project focuses on climate challenges for security in Europe, and the need for the new security architecture.

Dr Vangelis Pitidis: ESRC Outstanding Societal Impact Prize 2023

ESRC Outstanding Societal Impact Prize 2023

Many congratulations to our own Dr Vangelis Pitidis, who has been a key contributor to this award-winning project focusing on waterproofing data. The project used citizen generated data to tackle the impact of flooding and enhance disaster and community resilience in Brazilian marginalised communities. Further details about this exciting initiative can be found here:

Director of Impact leads by example - excellent news and warmest congratulations, Vangelis!!!

ECR STS 2.0 (Global): new funding awarded

Happy to announce our #ECRSTS 2.0 (Global) application is supported again by @uniofwarwick ERCF! I thank my @IGSD_UoW colleagues for their effort & support. We all look forward to working with a new & existing cohorts of #ECRs from around the globe! Themes Resilience, Climate emergency and Water Security.


Networking at FIDELIO Workshop

As per Nikoleta's post, this week I had the opportunity to participate in the FIDELIO workshop looking at establishing pathways for transformative change in terms of Protected Area governance. I had the pleasure of presenting maps to colleagues to highlight the work I have been doing to convey trends in social impacts across parks in Europe. Please see attached example showing level of impact on Connectedness to Nature and Local Moran's I (a test to see if relationships are similar (positive) or dissimilar (negative) between respondents.

Fri 16 Jun 2023, 10:04 | Tags: Early Career Researcher Climate emergency 2023

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