SHAPEDEM-EU Research Fellow participates in the launch of MORDOR report
Dr Aijan Sharshenova, SHAPEDEM-EULink opens in a new window Research Fellow, discussed the launch of a reportLink opens in a new window on harnessing the democratising potential of the EU foreign policy agenda with one of the report's authors Dr Nathan Vandeputte.
MORDORLink opens in a new window is an Erasmus+ project, co-funded by the European Union focusing on improving general education on authoritarianism and to prepare recommendations for EU foreign policy stakeholders regarding democracy support.
SHAPEDEM-EU Research Fellow participates in the GCC-Central Asia roundtable
Dr. Aijan SharshenovaLink opens in a new window, SHAPEDEM-EULink opens in a new window Research Fellow, participated in a roundtable discussion on the future of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Central Asia. The event was hosted by Hollings CenterLink opens in a new window, a US-based think tank, and Bourse and Bazaar FoundationLink opens in a new window, a UK-based think tank, in Istanbul on November 16-17, 2024. The event brought together Central Asian and Middle Eastern political analysts, energy experts and economists to brainstorm interregional cooperation in the run-up to the GCC-C5 Summit in Samarkand next year.
SHAPEDEM-EU holds its 2nd Annual Progress Meeting
Professor Elena KorostelevaLink opens in a new window and Dr Aijan SharshenovaLink opens in a new window, SHAPEDEM-EULink opens in a new window team at the University of Warwick, participated in the 2nd Annual Progress Meeting of the SHAPEDEM-EU Consortium. Professor Korosteleva reported on the progress of the deliverables under the Working Package 2 "Democratic practices and democracy support in the Eastern Neighbourhood and discussed prospects of future collaborations with the consortium members.
SHAPEDEM-EULink opens in a new window is a consortium of 12 research, policy and civil society institutions set out to rethink, reshape, and review the EU’s democracy promotion policies, while elaborating and pilot testing a novel model of a Democracy Learning Loop. The project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe funding framework.
IGSD Explores Collaboration Opportunities with New Uzbek Ambassador to UK
During their visit, His Excellency Ravshan Usmanov, Deputy Head of MIssion Suhrob Vaseev, and 3rd Secretary, Jasur Valiev met with Professor ELena Korosteleva, IGSD Director, to discuss opportunities for further collaboration with the Universities of Uzbekistan, and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in particular. This was a follow-up talk after Elena's visit to the country in 2023, and fruitful discussions with a range of Universities there, as well as the Agency for Innovation and Development, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan. The delegaton, during their visit, also toured the world-class facilities offered bin Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG); discussed teacher-training and intercultural training for students and professionals with the School of Education, Learning and Communication Sciences (SELCS); and explored opportunities in hospitality education with our partners, the University College Birmingham. For more information see here: https://warwick.ac.uk/global/news/prof_stuart_croft
SHAPEDEM-EU discussed the ongoing protests in Georgia
SHAPEDEM-EU organised an online expert discussion to explore the root causes and future implications of the ongoing mass protests in Georgia against the adoption of the "foreign agents" law. The discussion featured an in-house expertise - Dr. Nona MikhelidzeLink opens in a new window (Istituto Affari Internazionali), Kristina Pitalskaya (EaP Civil Partnership), and Dr. Aijan Sharshenova Link opens in a new window(University of Warwick).
The discussion took place on May 10th via zoom and was open to the public.
The SHAPEDEM-EU Link opens in a new windowProject unites 12 academic, research and civil society institutions in an effort to rethink and reshape EU democracy support in the Eastern and Southern neighbourhoods.