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IGSD Explores Collaboration Opportunities with New Uzbek Ambassador to UK

During their visit, His Excellency Ravshan Usmanov, Deputy Head of MIssion Suhrob Vaseev, and 3rd Secretary, Jasur Valiev met with Professor ELena Korosteleva, IGSD Director, to discuss opportunities for further collaboration with the Universities of Uzbekistan, and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in particular. This was a follow-up talk after Elena's visit to the country in 2023, and fruitful discussions with a range of Universities there, as well as the Agency for Innovation and Development, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan. The delegaton, during their visit, also toured the world-class facilities offered bin Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG); discussed teacher-training and intercultural training for students and professionals with the School of Education, Learning and Communication Sciences (SELCS); and explored opportunities in hospitality education with our partners, the University College Birmingham. For more information see here:

WOW award

Rachael Kirwan, IGSD Manager, was recognised as part of the WMG WOW award - led by Margaret Low. Stuart Croft, our Vice-Chancellor, had this to say about WMG's win:

"Margaret and all of her colleagues have been working so hard on the Royal Institution outreach programme, inspiring schoolchildren to become the engineers of the future."

Stuart Croft and IGSD welcomes Uzbekistan Embassy Delegation to Warwick

On Monday 17th July, Professor Stuart Croft, Vice Chancellor, Professor Kerry Kirwan, Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor and Emily Lim, Associate Director (Asia, Americas & Middle East), International Strategy and Relations welcomed Uzbekistan Embassy delegation to Warwick.

See event photo gallery here

Fri 21 Jul 2023, 18:06 | Tags: 2023 Stuart Croft