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Tips, tools and useful information

There are many great resources that are publicly available. This page includes a curated list of some of the resources that we feel might be useful to researchers interested in exploring GIS. It is not exhaustive and the team would be happy to discuss resources that may be specifically useful to your research interest during a helpdesk session.
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  • This is the official QGIS training manual. It has tips/advice for any operation that can be performed within QGIS. It's super comprehensive but does not offer courses/workshops as it focuses on specific tools but it is a great resource if you become stuck on a specific problem.
  • This has lots of short exercises to try and is definitely a good place to start learning from. I would recommend starting with the basic operations as this will show how the user interacts with the software. If this is boring/very easy, then start completing some of the intermediate and advanced operations. The 'creating heatmaps' operation is quite a good starter exercise. There are also further tutorials on scripting using PyQGIS and web mapping.
  • This is an online course offered by a staff member at CUNY. To the left there are slides with a lecture style intro to GIS. You then have the PDF tutorial manual and the data zipped in a folder ready to download. Start with the lecture, download the PDF and follow the steps!
  • Klas Karlsson has some good Youtube videos that do all sorts of operations from beginners to advanced spatial analyses. For a beginners tutorial see:
  • Free online courses at udemy - great place to start if you are a beginner but also offers courses to experienced users too!
  • Online tutorials for ArcMap - would probably start having a look at this to build confidence then start exploring more advanced tools/spatial analytics. They also have live events/webinars that are incredible!

ยท Provides access to a comprehensive library of courses associated with ESRI products (not just ArcMap). This is useful if you have mastered the basics or QGIS/ArcMap and want to explore the realm of opportunities in other ESRI products OR you want to develop skills within a particular area of geospatial science i.e. Mapping and visualisation, scripting, monitoring, analytics.

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GIS Software and Resources at Warwick

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