Our People
Our People
Prof Letizia Gramaglia
Head of Academic Development
Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Email: Letizia.Gramaglia@warwick.ac.uk
Tel: x73109
Dr Jennie Mills
Deputy Head of ADC
Associate Professor (SFHEA)
Lead: Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence: National Teaching Fellowship Scheme
Email: J.Mills.3@warwick.ac.uk
Tel: x73249
Jo Kukuczka
Assistant Professor (SFHEA, FBALEAP)
email: jo.kukuczka@warwick.ac.uk
Lead: Postgraduate Award in Curriculum Development in Higher Education (PGA CDHE)
Jess Humphreys
Associate Professor, Acting Director of Warwick International Higher Education Academy.
Tel: x75580
Dr John Kirkman
Associate Professor (SFHEA)
Course Leader: APP EXP
Email: John.Kirkman@warwick.ac.uk
Tel: x75341
Sara Hattersley
Associate Professor
Course Leader: APP PGR Programme and Postgraduate Award in Teaching and Learning in HE
Email: S.Hattersley@warwick.ac.uk
Tel: x75761
Oliver Turner
Assistant Professor
Lead: Preparing to Teach in Higher Education
Email: O.Turner@warwick.ac.uk
Dr Kerry Dobbins
Associate Professor, SFHEA
Lead: APP EXP (D1 - D3) and Cultivate (the ADC's open access series of events and resources to support learning, teaching and assessment).