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Doctoral College Organises LGBTQUIA+ PGR Focus Group

The Doctoral College have organised a focus group on what it's like to do a PhD as someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, or belongs to another gender/sexual orientation minority group.

Fri 27 May 2022, 01:36 | Tags: focus group, participants wanted

Initial Findings of the LGBTQUIA+ Student Experiences Project

In February the Queering University programme launched the 'Understanding LGBTQUIA+ Student Experiences' project, in pursuit of a better institutional understanding of LGBTQUIA+ students' experiences at the University. Whilst we are still undertaking further analysis on the data, we wanted to share the project's initial findings across eleven key themes with the University community at this point.

Thu 05 May 2022, 12:57 | Tags: research

Trans staff and student participants wanted for deadnaming focus groups

Nick Cherryman and Sam Parr are running a series of trans-led focus groups on the use of deadnames in the University context, with the aim of writing up guidance to inform best practise for the University.

Mon 25 Apr 2022, 22:17 | Tags: focus group, opportunity, participants wanted, research

LGBTQUIA+ Student Experience Survey now live

The first annual LGBTQUIA+ student experience survey is now live, helping us to better understand and support the needs and experiences of our LGBTQUIA+ student community.

Tue 22 Feb 2022, 11:01 | Tags: launch, research

Ibi Profane's Christmas Drag Queen Story Time

Fun for all the family with Ibi Profane's drag queen story time this Christmas, including How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Thu 23 Dec 2021, 15:54 | Tags: video

Key note speech by Prof. Zethu Matebeni on Men, Masculinity and Homophobic Hate Crimes

Prof. Zethu Matebeni, who has recently been appointed as the first SARChI Chair in Sexualities, Genders, and Queer Studies at the University of Fort Hare, delivers the keynote speech for the Eudy Simelane Memorial Lecture 2021 on the theme of Men, Masculinity and Homophobic Hate Crimes.

Wed 15 Dec 2021, 17:37 | Tags: resources, external, video

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