News & Updates
The Sex:Queer Research Network launches
The Sex:Queer Research Network is an inclusive platform and research group for anyone interested in exploring issues related to sex, sexuality and queerness and wishing to participate in radical and thought-provoking dialogues.
Staff Culture Focus Groups
You will hopefully be aware that the University recently ran a staff culture survey to explore staff sense of belonging and inclusivity at the University. To follow-up on the initial findings and further explore some specific staff experiences, the University have organised a series of six focus groups.
Initial Findings of the LGBTQUIA+ Student Experiences Project
In February the Queering University programme launched the 'Understanding LGBTQUIA+ Student Experiences' project, in pursuit of a better institutional understanding of LGBTQUIA+ students' experiences at the University. Whilst we are still undertaking further analysis on the data, we wanted to share the project's initial findings across eleven key themes with the University community at this point.
Trans staff and student participants wanted for deadnaming focus groups
Nick Cherryman and Sam Parr are running a series of trans-led focus groups on the use of deadnames in the University context, with the aim of writing up guidance to inform best practise for the University.
LGBTQUIA+ Student Experience Survey now live
The first annual LGBTQUIA+ student experience survey is now live, helping us to better understand and support the needs and experiences of our LGBTQUIA+ student community.