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Information For Referring Agents - Service Evaluation Sites


Service Evaluation Sites - Coventry, Croydon, Ipswich, Swindon, York.

The ‘Parents Under Pressure™’ Programme (PuP) is a pioneering new service that is being funded by the NSPCC for three years in order to evaluate whether it improves outcomes for alcohol and substance misusing families with infants under the age of two and a half, in the UK. This is an additional parenting support service designed to provide input alongside standard drug and alcohol treatment.

We would be grateful if you could take the time to read through our FAQs carefully. Please feel free to discuss the study with your colleagues.

If there is anything that is not clear, or if you would like more information, please contact the study researcher, Sukhdev Sembi: +44 (0)2476 150508/

Video for Sevice Evaluation Sites:



Dawn Cannon (



Information for Families
FAQs for Families


PuP Practitioners

Information for PuP Practitioners
PuP Forum


Service Evaluation Sites

Coventry, Croydon, Ipswich, Swindon, York

Information for Referring Agents
FAQs for Service Evaluation Sites


Randomised Control Trial (RCT)

Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, Nottingham, Stoke, Warrington

Information for Referring Agents
FAQs for RCT