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Costing Harold's informal Care

Harold lived at home with his wife. Before going into hospital, Harold and his wife relied on a big care package and help from their family to enable them to stay at home. A family member spent 5 hours per week with them.

If the time given for informal care were costed, then the total cost of Harold's care would change.

Informal care can be costed using different rates, as shown below. The figures show costs of care for 6 months prior to his hospital admissions with and without informal care, using 4 alternative rates for informal care.

Cost of Harold's informal care for 6 months prior to his hospital admission, using 4 alternative rates

Cost of informal care; calculated at 5 hours/ week for 6 months
PSSRU costs @ £32/hour £4,160.00
Direct payment @ £11.56/ hour £1,502.80
Minimum wage @ £6.08/ hour £790.40
Average carer’s wage @ £6.20/hour £806.00

Total cost of Harold's care for 6 months prior to hospital admission, including informal care, using 4 alternative rates

Care costs without informal care £6,734.00
Care costs with informal care @ £32/hr £10,894.00
Care costs with informal care @ £11.56/hr £8,236.80
Care costs with informal care @ £6.08/hr £7,524.40
Care costs with informal care @ £6.20/hr £7,540.00