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Chemistry Outreach awarded £150,000

Congratulations to Dr Paul Taylor (Chemistry and IATL), Nick Barker (Chemistry) and Paul Blagburn (Student Admissions and Recruitment) who have successfully secured £150,000 from the Royal Society of Chemistry’s National Widening Participation (WP) programme ‘Chemistry for All’. Competition for these awards was fierce and Warwick was one of just four institutions, out of sixteen, to receive funding.

Thu 15 May 2014, 11:32 | Tags: news prize people

Rod Wesson wins STEM Technician of the Year Award

Many congratulations to Rod Wesson who has been awarded HEA STEM Technician of the Year Award! The winners of the Higher Education Academy STEM Technicians of the Year awards were announced at the HEA STEM annual conference on 30 April at the University of Edinburgh. Professor Iain Stewart, Professor of Geoscience Communication at University of Plymouth, and presenter of the BBC series Earth, presented the awards.

Wed 14 May 2014, 12:35 | Tags: news prize people

Andrew Dove wins prestigious RSC Award

Dr Andrew Dove has been named the Royal Society of Chemistry Gibson-Fawcett Award winner for 2014. The award recognises “original and independent contributions to materials chemistry”.

Mon 12 May 2014, 13:08 | Tags: news prize people

Poster Prize for Caroline Biggs

Caroline Biggs in the GibsonGroup won the prize for best poster presentation at the 13th European Summer Course on Glycosciences. Her winning poster was entitled 'Polymer Functionalised Surfaces for Microarray Applications'.

Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:24 | Tags: prize PolymerChem people MatPolymers AnalSciInst ChemBio

Poster Prize at Dalton 2014 for Rhiann Andrew

Congratulations to Rhiann Andrew, a second year PhD student in the Chaplin Group, who was awarded the RSC Metallomics Poster Prize at the Dalton 2014 conference for her work on NHC-based Rhodium Macrocycles.

Tue 22 Apr 2014, 15:51 | Tags: news prize people

Salters' Graduate Prize 2014 won by James Silk

Many congratulations to James Silk, an MChem with Industrial Training student, who has been awarded a Salters' Graduate Prize 2014, one of only 5 awarded to Chemistry students nationally.

His personal tutor, Peter Scott said, "James is an outstanding scientist, excelling in all subjects, but he seems to have a real feel for synthetic chemistry. His experimental work is impeccable, his writing is insightful and his motivation levels are truly inspiring. One to watch."

Wed 09 Apr 2014, 09:49 | Tags: news prize people

Prof Peter Sadler appointed EPSRC RISE Fellow

Many congratulations to Professor Peter Sadler, FRS who has been appointed by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council as an EPSRC RISE Fellow. The RISE scheme is aimed at Recognising Inspirational Scientists and Engineers working in the UK. The full press release can be found at:

Mon 07 Apr 2014, 12:59 | Tags: news prize people

Sebastien Perrier receives Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

Professor Sebastien Perrier, Department of Chemistry, has received a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. The Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science, has announced the appointment of 21 new holders. Professor Mohan Balasubramanian, Warwick Medical School, has also received the prestigious award this year.

The newly appointed award holders are working on a wide range of projects. Professor Sebastien Perrier’s work will focus on Functional soft nanotubes from molecular engineering.

Fri 31 Jan 2014, 13:50 | Tags: news prize people

Greg Challis awarded Royal Society Wolfson Award

The Royal Society has announced the appointment of 22 new Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holders including Professor Greg Challis of the Department of Chemistry.

Fri 30 Aug 2013, 13:28 | Tags: news prize people ChemBio

Art & Photography Competition Winner

Congratulations to the winner of the "Chemistry In Action" Art & Photography Competition, David Withall (PhD student in Challis group), for his entry "Chemically Synthesised Undecylprodigiosin".

David will receive a £50 Amazon Voucher from the Head of Department and Chair of the Welfare & Communications Committee, plus the artwork will soon be displayed prominently in the Department.

Thank you to all those who entered the competition, the final decision was very diffcult for the judging panel as there were so many interesting entries and the standard was very high. Well done David!

Visit for further details.

Fri 09 Aug 2013, 15:57 | Tags: news prize people

Graduation Ceremony – Friday 19th July 2013

Congratulations to all our graduands, who are receiving their degrees today.

All staff, colleagues and friends from the Department look forward to this occasion and the opportunity to celebrate your achievements with you and your guests on such a memorable day.

We wish you well and many congratulations on your success!

Fri 19 Jul 2013, 09:44 | Tags: news prize events people

Professor Rachel O'Reilly wins an ACS award

Rachel has been awarded the 2013 Herman F. Mark Young Scholar award by the American Chemical Society. This award is presented biennially to recognize excellence in basic or applied research and leadership in polymer science by scientist aged thirty five or younger. She will be presented with this award at a special symposium at the Fall ACS conference.


Fri 08 Mar 2013, 19:11 | Tags: prize MatPolymers

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