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Conference and travel grants

Name Society Bursary Name Amount/ £ Used for
Caroline RSC Chemical Biology Interface Division Travel Grant 200 Carbohydrate Training Course 2014, The Netherlands
RSC Macrogroup DH Richards Bursary 250 Carbohydrate Training Course 2014, The Netherlands
COST Conference attendance bursary 400

COST/ IBCarb Training School, Bangor

RSC Travel grant


MC12, 2015, York UK

RSC Materials Chemistry Division Award (Travel Grant) 800 ACS, 2015, Boston USA
COST Conference attendance bursary 500 MultiGlycoNano, 2015, Antalya Turkey
IBCarb Travel Grant 200 Glycobiotechnology, 2016 Manchester
RSC Materials Chemistry Division Award (Travel Grant) 800 International Carbohydrate Symposium, 2016, new Orleans USA
Sarah-Jane  COST Training School attendance bursary 640 Dynamic Nano-Glycosciences Training School, Namur Belgium, 2014
COST Conference attendance bursary 740 MultiGlycoNano, Sienna, Italy, 2014
COST Training School attendance bursary 400

COST/ IBCarb Training School, Bangor UK, 2015

RSC Travel Bursary 150

MC12, York UK, 2015

RSC Travel Grant (Chemical Biology Interface division) 400 ACS, Boston USA, 2015
COST Conference attendance bursary 500 MultiGlycoNano, Antalya, Turkey, 2015
Dan P  RSC Macrogroup DH Richards Bursary 250 ACS San Francisco 2014
RSC Materials Chemistry Division Award (Travel Grant) 800 ACS San Francisco 2014
SCI Messel Bursary (Travel and registration) 750 ACS San Francisco 2014
Tom  RSC Materials Division RSC Travel Grant 800 ACS San Francisco 2014
Lucienne  RSC Chemical Biology Interface Division Travel Grant 200 Carbohydrate Training Course 2014, The Netherlands
Ben G RSC Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group Travel Grant 172 APME 2017, Ghent, Belgium
Chris RSC Materials Science Group Travel Grant 172 APME 2017, Ghent, Belgium
 Joe H  InnovateUK
ICURe Commercialisation Scheme 35,000 Multiple trips between Oct-Dec 2017
InnovateUK Pre-CURe Commercialisation Feeder Program 1,500 GENESIS 2016, London
TSM Microbiology Society Conference Attendance Grant 400 TSM Annual Conference 2017, Edinburgh
TSM Microbiology Society Conference Attendance Grant 400 TSM Annual Conference 2015, Birmingham
Biochemical Society Small Event Support Grant 200 Awarded to support organisation of the MOAC/MAS-Imperial InterDTC Conference, 2016
Other Unsuccessful Grant Applications (worth trying again in the future)
Name Society Bursary Name


applied for/ £

Caroline SCI Rideal Bursary (Colloids and Surfaces) 500
Sarah-Jane SCI Messel Bursary (Travel and registration) 750
Caroline Warwick Transatlantic Fellowship 1500
Chris Macro Group D.H. Richards Memorial Bursary 500