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Gibson Group News

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Matt delivers invited Talk at Monash University

Prof. Matt Gibson presented an update on our latest work towards the design, synthesis and application of glycomaterials, whilst visiting Monash University. Matt discussed the application of glycomaterials and the need to move away from 'does it precipitate ConA' towards either real application or a detailed understanding of the interactions involved. He showed new data on dynamic glycomaterials, where the carbohydrates are only expressed upon application of an external trigger, enabling temporal control over binding. He also introduce automated synthesis of glyco-materials to enable high-throughput screening.

Sat 29 Jul 2017, 03:48 | Tags: Group News

Matt Delivers Invited Talk at RACI 100th Anniversary Conference

Matt Gibson presented an update on the groups progress towards making fully synthetic mimics of antifreeze proteins, and their translation to cell storage.The congress was to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Australian Chemical Society, with >3000 delegates. During this talk Matt introduce the latest work, including self-assembled antifreeze-active materials and enhanced cellular storage.

Thu 27 Jul 2017, 00:48 | Tags: Group News

Latest Work Published In J.A.C.S !

In our latest publication we describe an entirely new approach to mimicing antifreeze protein (AFP) function, using self-assembled metal complexes, in place of helical peptides. This work also provides insight into the fundemental design principles to mimic AFP function.

It is often assumed that the desirable property of IRI (ice recrystalisation inhibition), associated with AFPs, requries a specific 'match' or structure to interact with growing ice crystals. We have hypothesised that, in fact, key macromolecular features, rather than 'binding motifs' are what are required. Here we used self-assembled metal complexes which have similar dimensions and pitch to short helical antifreeze proteins as potent IRI's. Crucially, the ligands themselves are not water soluble, but the produced metal complexes are. Modelling showed that the active 'metallohelices' had 'patchy amphiphilicity'; in short, segregated domains of hydrophobic and hydrophilic character. There are not obvious ice-binding sites, and few hydrogen bond donors, confirming that amphipathicity (not amphiphilicity) is the crucial feature.

These results are exciting for both fundamental studies of ice/water interface, but to help us develop new cryoprotectants for low-temperature applications, especially cell/tissue cryopreservation.

The work was conducted in collaboration with the Scott and Fox groups, and can be found here;

Antifreeze Protein Mimetic Metallohelices with Potent Ice Recrystallization Inhibition Activity
Tue 18 Jul 2017, 14:47 | Tags: Group News, Publication

Prof Gibson gives his Inauguration lecture at Warwick Medical School

On 26th June, Professor Matthew Gibson gave his inuagral ('leading lights') lecture at Warwick Medical School. This is a celebration of his promotion to a personal chair (professorship) joint between Warwick Medical School and the Department of Chemistry. After introductions by Prof Sudhesh Kumar (WMS Dean) and Prof Martin Wills (HoD of Chemistry) Matt introduced his career path on his way to Warwick, sharing success (and failures!) along the way. He then described two areas of research where his group actively works with his Medical School (and Life Sciences) colleagues; Glycoscience to study infection and new cell cryo-storage methods.

Following this, the Group had a Cocktail night to celebrate this, and future group successes!

Tue 27 Jun 2017, 11:24 | Tags: Group News, Publicity

Group attend APME 2017

7 Members of the group attended the APME (Advanced polymers via macromolecular engineering) conference in Gent. The group presented posters cover a diverse range of topics from bacterial biosensors, synthesis of poly(ampholytes), near antifreeze-protein mimetic polymers and glycopolymers for anti-adhesion therapy. Matt gave an invited lecture discussing the synthesis and most importantly activity of glycomaterials for infection. Our new approaches to make this process more high-throughput was also introduced.

Fri 26 May 2017, 09:04 | Tags: Group News

Sucessful Launch of Polymers to Near-Space!

Our collaboration with Edgecombe Community College, NC, USA, funded by a Nasa outreach grant resulted in the high-altitude balloon launch on Saturday. Our polymers were sent up added to several biological samples. Due to the polymers ability to mimic the function of natural antifreeze proteins, the cells (blood and algae) were protected from teh extreme cold stress and survived the (bumpy) journey.

Read the press release (with videos) here

Tue 11 Apr 2017, 12:55 | Tags: Group News, Publicity

Anti-Bacterial Polymers Published in Biomacromolecules

Our latest work, in collaboration with the Fullam group at the School of Life Sciences has been published in ACS Biomacromolecules. This is part of our larger collaboration, including an Innovation grant from the MRC, into new methods for addressing the challenge of antimicrobial resistance. Traditional antimicrobials function by targetting a specific enzyme/pathway, which often enables resistance to develop. We are interested in moving from single target/small molecule paradigm to more innovative targets. In this work, we wanted to evaluate cationic polymers as anti-mycobacterial agents. Cationic polymers are extremely well studied, but mostly against pathogenic gram-negative organisms. Mycobacteria, which are a unique class of gram positive micro-organisms, which include Mycobaterium Tuberculosis have not been studied. We found that poly(dimethyl aminoethyl methacrylate) was particularly potent against a non-pathogenic mycobacterium (M. smegmatis). Interestingly, the polymer did not appear to lyse the cell membranes, which is the assumed mode of action, but less active cationic polymers did. Electron microscopy analysis suggested the cell-walls were being stressed. We are currently investigating this in more detail.

Read the full paper here

Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Cationic Polymers Against Mycobacteria: Towards Anti-Tubercular Macromolecules,

Mon 10 Apr 2017, 08:47 | Tags: Group News, Publication

GibsonGroup in Space; Live 8th April

On Saturday, 8th April, a high altitidue balloon will be launched to over 60,000 ft, containing an experiment designed in collaboration with the GibsonGroup. This is part of a NASA-sponsered program, being undertaken by students at Edgecombe Community College, in Carolina, USA. The balloon will contain equipment for monitoring the external environment and also cameras; the Balloon will be high enough for the curvature of the Earth to be clearly visible. A secondary payload will also be included, enabling an additional science experiment. Jilian Leary, a student at the College contacted Professor Gibson to see if our cryo-protective polymers, inspired by antifreeze proteins could be included in an experiment to see how cells (blood) survive in the harsh conditions.

The launch will be live on facebook on 8th April (evening, UK time),

Read more here

The photograph shows the lead student Jillian, preparing the samples.

Thu 06 Apr 2017, 21:44 | Tags: Group News, Publicity

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