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Health and Safety

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Health and Safety
in the School of Engineering

It is important for all to remember that there is nothing so important that it cannot be done safely

The health, safety and well-being of all staff and students is a primary objective.

Our aim is to make a visible commitment to organisational health and safety and to recognise that everyone has an important role to play in keeping us safe.

Through the School and the University, the necessary health and safety training is provided to staff, students and visitors.

We expect visitors to our facilities to uphold these values and will support them in doing so by providing appropriate information.

Similarly, we expect our collaborators to maintain equivalent standards when our staff and students visit their facilities.

logo ISO 45001

Health and Safety Policy and Objectives

The School of Engineering values the contribution made by its staff and students.

The following School Health and Safety Policy along with the University Health and Safety Policy are in place to ensure that all staff, students and visitors remain safe and without detriment to their health during their time in the School.

School of Engineering PolicyLink opens in a new window

University Health and Safety PolicyLink opens in a new window

Health and Safety Responsibilities

University Leadership and Management DocumentLink opens in a new window


John Murphy
Head of School
Amy Hamson
Director of Operations
Lorraine Blackwell
Health and Safety Officer
Adrian Seymour
Technical and Facilities Manager
Peter Brommer
Neil Gillespie
Unite Rep