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Externally reviewed output on rainwater harvesting

NameSelect to sort (ascending) DescriptionSelect to sort (ascending)
Thomas, BRI 26(2), 1998 Domestic water supply using rainwater harvesting
Rees & Thomas, 25th WEDC Conf., 1999 Domestic roofwater harvesting in the humid tropics
Thomas & Rees, 9th IRCSA Conf., 1999 Affordable Roofwater Harvesting in the Humid Tropics
Thomas, Waterlines 18(3), 2000 Where is roofwater harvesting going?
Thomas & Rees, 10th IRCSA Conf., 2001 Roofwater Catchment for the Rural Poor
Thomas, 3rd Brazil Symp. RWC, 2001 Choosing Rainwater Tanks For The Sertao
Martinson et. al., 28th WEDC Conf., 2002 Reducing rainwater harvesting system cost
Martinson & Thomas, 28th WEDC Conf., 2002 Economically Viable Domestic Roofwater Harvesting
Thomas, City Matters, 2002 Catching the Rain on a City
Still & Thomas, 11th IRCSA Conf., 2003 Sizing and optimally locating guttering for rainwater harvesting
Martinson & Thomas, 11th IRCSA Conf., 2003 Improving water quality by design
Martinson & Thomas, 11th IRCSA Conf., 2003b The Rainwater Harvesting Ladder
Thomas, 11th IRCSA Conf., 2003 Domestic Roofwater Harvesting in the Tropics: the State of the Art
Martinson & Thomas, 1st ARCSA Conf., 2003 Better, Faster, Cheaper; Research into roofwater harvesting for water supply in low-income countries
Martinson & Lucey, J. Hydr. Engrg. 130(1), 2004 Reduction of Mixing in Jet-Fed Water Storage Tanks
Thomas & Kiggundu, 30th WEDC Conf., 2004 Constraints to domestic roofwater harvesting uptake in Uganda: An assessment
Martinson & Thomas, 12th IRCSA Conf., 2005 Low-Cost Inlet Filters For Rainwater Tanks
Martinson & Thomas, 12th IRCSA Conf., 2005b Quantifying the first flush phenomenon
Way & Thomas, 12th IRCSA Conf., 2005 Slow Sand Filtration Within Rainwater Tanks
Thomas, Waterlines 24(4), 2006 Roofwater Harvesting in Africa
Thomas & Martinson, Handbook, IRC 2007 Roofwater Harvesting: A Handbook for Practitioners
Still, PhD Thesis, 2007 Methods for Reducing the Cost of Cementitious Building Components in Developing Countries, with Particular Reference to Rainwater Harvesting
Martinson, PhD Thesis, 2008 Improving the Viability of Roofwater Harvesting in Low-Income Countries
EU Reports, 1998-2001 Project Reports from EU INCO-DEV IC18980276: Domestic Roofwater Harvesting in the Humid Tropics
DFID Reports, 2001-2003 Project reports from DFID KaR R7833: Rainwater Harvesting for Poorer Households in the Tropics