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Student Voice

Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs)

SSLC's are committees made up of elected student representatives from each course and members of staff. They are student-led and provide a forum for students and staff to discuss ideas and solve problems connected with teaching, learning and student support. SSLC enables students to have a say on their course, their department and their resources and are a great way to input into the department. They also provide an opportunity for us to consult with students and receive feedback on new proposals. Students are elected to the position of course rep by their peers at the start of the academic year and represent their course and year in the SSLC. As well as course representative roles, there are five executive roles including Chair, Secretary, Minorities Officer, Disabilities Officer, and Publicity Officer. These executive roles ensure the smooth running of SSLC and sit on other key committees such as the Life Sciences EDI committee and teaching strategy committees.

Student Networks

Our student networks are aligned to the school Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee task forces for Ethnicity, Disability, Gender Equality & Identity and Community & Culture. These student networks offer a community for students to connect and collaborate on things that are important to them and importantly will have a positive impact on inclusion and the wider student experience. Launched in spring 2024 these networks are in their infancy and are focussed on hearing the voices of students who identify with these networks or have a particular interest in these areas. The networks are student led and feed directly into Life Sciences EDI committee. In these networks students have the opportunity to bid for funds to undertake student experience projects. You'll hear more about these networks as part of your welcome week talks.

Student Ambassadors

Our student work force is really important to us. We recruit student ambassadors each year to help us run key activity in a collaborative way. Events such as Open Days and Offer Holder days are opportunities where we can showcase our student experience through our student voice. Ambassadors help with logistical support for these events such as setting up for the days but more importantly, they interact with our guests and offer real-life perspectives of what studying at Warwick is like. Ambassadors are offered training and represent the diverse student body that we have in Life Sciences. Other paid student roles have previously included student network leads and student co-creators.