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Professor Colm Connaughton


Colm Connaughton

Director of Centre for Complexity Science

Office: D2.16

Phone: +44 (0) 24 7615 0863

Email: C dot P dot Connaughton at warwick dot ac dot uk

Teaching Responsibilities 2020/21:

Term 1: MA934 Numerical Algorithms and Optimisation

Term 2: MA932 MSc Research Study Groups

Research Interests:
Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics and turbulence, nonlinear waves, interacting particle systems

I'm co-organising the Warwick EPSRC Mathematics Symposium in 2015-16 on the topic of Fluctuation-driven phenomena and large deviations.

Resources and contacts:

A full list of my publications can be found in my ResearcherID profile: E-8796-2011

Preprints on (automatically updated)

Presentations on (automatically updated)

More information can be found on my personal homepage

You can also find me on Facebook and LinkedIn.

I hold a joint appointment with the Warwick Centre for Complexity Science.

Most recent publications:

  1. C. Connaughton, S. Nazarenko and B. Quinn
    Rossby and drift wave turbulence and zonal flows: The Charney–Hasegawa–Mima model and its extensions
    Phys. Reports 604, 1–71 (2015)
  2. Y.-X. Chau, C. Connaughton and S. Grosskinsky
    Explosive condensation in symmetric mass transport models
    J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp., 11 P11031 (2015)
  3. N. Peremezhney, E. Hines, A. Lapkin and C. Connaughton
    Combining Gaussian processes, mutual information and a genetic algorithm for multi-target optimization of expensive-to-evaluate functions
    Eng. Optimization 46 (11), 1593-1607 (2014)
  4. K. Harper, S. Nazarenko, S. Medvedev and C. Connaughton
    Wave turbulence in the two-layer ocean model
    J. Fluid Mech. 756, 309-327 (2014)
  5. J. Harris, C. Connaughton and M.D. Bustamante
    Percolation transition in the kinematics of nonlinear resonance broadening in Charney–Hasegawa–Mima model of Rossby wave turbulence
    New J. Phys 15, 083011 (2013)

Most cited publications:

  1. C. Connaughton, C. Josserand, A. Picozzi, Y. Pomeau and S. Rica ,
    Condensation of Classical Nonlinear Waves,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 263901 (2005)
  2. C. Connaughton and S.V. Nazarenko,
    Warm Cascades and Anomalous Scaling in a Diffusion Model of Turbulence,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (4): 044501, (2004)
  3. C. Connaughton, S.V. Nazarenko and A.C. Newell,
    Dimensional Analysis and Weak Turbulence,
    Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 184 (1-4): 86-97, (2003)
  4. M. Chertkov, C. Connaughton, I. Kolokolov and V. Lebedev ,
    Dynamics of Energy Condensation in Two-Dimensional Turbulence,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 084501 (2007)
  5. C. Connaughton, S.V. Nazarenko and A.N. Pushkarev,
    Discreteness and Quasiresonances in Weak Turbulence of Capillary Waves,
    Phys. Rev. E 63 (4): 046306, (2001)

Other selected publications:

  1. R.C. Ball, Colm Connaughton, P.P. Jones, R. Rajesh, and O. Zaboronski,
    Collective oscillations in irreversible coagulation driven by monomer inputs and large-cluster outputs,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 168304, (2012)
  2. R.C. Ball, C. Connaughton, T.H.M. Stein, and O. Zaboronski,
    Instantaneous gelation in Smoluchowski’s coagulation equation revisited,
    Phys. Rev. E 84 (1) 0111111, (2011)
  3. C. Connaughton and A.C. Newell,
    Dynamical scaling and the finite-capacity anomaly in three-wave turbulence,
    Phys. Rev. E 81 (3) 036303, (2010)


2010/11: MIR@W organiser

2010/11: Complexity Forum organiser

02-03 May 2013: Interacting particle models in the physical, biological and social sciences

March 27 2013 : Isaac Newton Institute Gateway to Mathematics meeting: Stochastic and statistical models at the interface of modern industry and the mathematical sciences

July 20 2012: MoN11: Eleventh Mathematics of Networks meeting

July 9-10 2012 : Patterns, turbulence and waves: explorations off the beaten track in nonlinear science

17-18 May 2012 : Aggregation, Inference and Rare Events in the Natural and Socio-economic Sciences

14-16 May 2012 : Summer School on Statistical Inference, Information Theory and Applications in Complex Systems

30 April 2012 : MIR@W Day: Maths and Manufacturing

13 December 2011: Complexity Science in Business and Industry

14 November 2011: MIR@W Day: Rogue Waves and Strong Nonlinearity in Wave Turbulence

04 April 2011: MIR@W Day: Opinion Dynamics and Models of Social Influence

17 January 2011: Complexity Science in Business and Industry

5-8 January 2011: Winter School in Network Theory and Applications

15 November 2010: CoSyDy meeting Movement in Models of Mathematical Biology