Analysis Seminar
Term 3
Organisers: Emanuele Caputo & Arjun Sobnack
8 May Sylvester Eriksson-Bique (Jyväskylä)
15 May Malte Kampschulte (Charles University, Prague)
29 May Antonio De Rosa (Bocconi)
12 Jun Jason Lotay (Oxford)
Term 2
Organisers: Maxwell Stolarski & Emanuele Caputo
09 Jan Arjun Sobnack (Warwick) Delayed parabolic regularity for the Curve Shortening Flow
16 Jan Nicola Gigli (SISSA, Trieste) Trading linearity for ellipticity - a novel approach to global Lorentzian geometry
17 Jan Luke Peachey (CUHK) Expanding Ricci solitons coming out of weakly PIC1 metric cones (3pm, D1.07)
21 Jan, Tues 12-1pm Antonín Češík (Warwick) (Joint with PDEs & Their Applications Seminar)
23 Jan Francesca Tripaldi (Leeds) Extracting subcomplexes in the subRiemannian setting
13 Feb Julian Weigt (Warwick) Alberti representations, rectifiability, PDEs and multilinear Kakeya
27 Feb Alexandros Eskenazis (Sorbonne Paris) Metric rigidity of nonpositive curvature
06 Mar Paul Minter (Cambridge) Stable Minimal Hypersurfaces in R5
13 Mar Elia Bruè (Bocconi) Nilpotent Actions and Curvature Lower Bounds
Term 1
Organisers: Maxwell Stolarski & Emanuele Caputo
01 Oct (Tuesday) Anna Skorobogatova (SLMath) Rectifiability of singularities and uniqueness of tangent cones for semicalibrated currents
17 Oct Emily Casey (Washington) Characterizing rectifiability in terms of principal values
31 Oct Max Goering (Jyväskylä) Tangents and rectifiability in a rough Riemannian setting
07 Nov Marco Pozzetta (Politecnico di Milano) On the uniqueness of isoperimetric sets on manifolds with nonnegative curvature
14 Nov Annalisa Massaccesi (Padova) Constructions for a C^1 function with prescribed gradient on a Cantor-type set
21 Nov Guido De Philippis (NYU) Decay of excess for the abelian Higgs model
28 Nov Luca Gennaioli (Warwick) On the Fourier transform of BV functions
05 Dec Michele Villa (Bilbao) Uniform rectifiability and Poincaré inequalities