Welcome to the postgraduate seminars page!
Every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1pm we meet in room B3.02 to allow us, doctoral students, to give talks on the topics we are working on or simply on the mathematical topics that most fascinate us. In addition to being an excellent way to gain experience with talks, these seminars address the problem of the increasingly sectoral nature that mathematics takes on during doctoral studies. We therefore favour talks that do not go too specific and that are designed for a broad audience.
The talks can also be viewed live online here.
After each talk, lunch will be offered and the speaker will be rewarded with exclusive food.
We look forward to seeing many of you!
The organizers: Marco Milanesi and Tommaso Faustini
Term 1
Week 1: Wednesday 2nd October
Arjun Sobnack Delayed parabolic regularity for the Curve Shortening Flow
The Curve Shortening Flow (CSF) is a parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) applied to an evolving curve, which at each time insists that a curve moves to locally decrease its length in an optimally efficient way. Being a PDE, the CSF can be analysed via parabolic regularity, which roughly states that the smoothness of a solution to a parabolic PDE improves in time; classically, this improvement manifests instantaneously.
In this talk, I will introduce the italicised notions above and describe a novel phenomenon, whereby in contrast to the classical case, one must wait for a fixed, but geometrically understandable, length of time before parabolic regularity begins to kick in.
The content of this talk is joint work with P. M. Topping.
Week 2: Wednesday 9th October
Week 3: Wednesday 16th October
Maryam Nowroozi Perfect powers in elliptic divisibility sequences
Let be an elliptic curve over the rationals given by an integral Weierstrass model and let be a rational point of infinite order. The multiple has the form where are integers with and coprime and positive. The sequence is called the elliptic divisibility sequence generated by . In this talk we answer the question posed in 2007 by Everest, Reynolds and Stevens: does the sequence contain only finitely many perfect powers?
Week 4: Wednesday 23th October
Eva Zaat Thinking Mathematically
Most people will have come across a maths problem that they could not immediately solve at some point. You have likely felt stuck on a maths exercise yourself. So, how do we get un-stuck?
In this talk, we’ll break down the problem-solving process we use whenever we tackle a maths problem by creating a simple rubric. We’ll also discuss general strategies you may already be using to explore your options when you get stuck. You might think, “I’m a postgrad in a maths-related field; I know how to do maths.” That’s true! But have you never wallowed in despair because you cannot solve the problem? If not, do you think that will not happen during the next few years? Even if you are that brilliant, can you teach someone else to do it? Clearly communicating your thought process is a valuable skill, especially when sharing (in progress) research. Or, if you’re a TA or supervising this year, helping your students think mathematically will greatly benefit them (and you if you are also marking their work). The aim of this talk is to help improve our mathematical thinking and communication skills.
Week 5: Wednesday 30th October
Alessandro Cigna (King's College) Surfaces and the Thurston norm in 3-manifolds
A classical strategy for studying the topology of a manifold is to analyze its submanifolds. The world of 3-manifolds is rich and diverse, and we aim to explore the complexity of surfaces contained within a given 3-manifold. After reviewing the fundamental definitions, we will introduce the Thurston norm, a seminorm on the second real homology of a compact orientable 3-manifold. Expect engaging visuals and detailed examples!
Week 6: Wednesday 6th November
Tommaso Faustini Moduli spaces of triangles
In this talk, we will explore the concept of moduli spaces, which serve as powerful tools for studying the behavior of mathematical objects and their deformations. We will begin by defining what a moduli space is and discuss its significance in the broader context of mathematics. Along our journey, we will address various challenges and misconceptions that arise, refining our definition of moduli spaces in the process.
To illustrate these concepts, we will use the toy example of moduli spaces of triangles, providing a concrete framework to visualize how different triangles can be categorized and deformed within this space.
Week 7: Wednesday 13th November
Darragh Glynn The Combinatorics of Rational Maps
Rational maps — the familiar quotients of complex polynomials that we all meet in school — are fundamental throughout mathematics. In this talk, we will explore the hidden combinatorics that govern these maps and explain how some long-standing problems (such as the famous Hurwitz Realisability Problem) can be approached entirely combinatorially. If time permits, we will also relate this to dynamics.
Week 8: Wednesday 20th November
Nicola Ottolini (Roma Tor Vergata) Unlikely intersections in Diophantine geometry
Starting from Mordell, many conjectures have been put forward (and proved) about how geometry influences the behaviour of diophantine problems. It turns out that many of them can be put in a common framework about varieties that for dimensional reasons we do not expect to intersect. Whenever they do we say that this intersection is "unlikely".
In this talk we will introduce the tools to state a quite broad conjecture of this type, due to Zilber and Pink, and look at some special cases and consequences.
Week 9: Wednesday 27th November
Dan Roebuck Time Dependent Knowledge
Imagine there is some mathematical object you're interested in. You do not know exactly what this object is, but you have a black box that every second tells you slightly more about the object. If in the limit (as time tends to ) the object is completely determined, then there is a sense in which you know what the object is. We will explore a way in which topology can be used to quantify the extent to which you know what the object is, and we will discuss how you can work with these partial descriptions instead of the object itself.
Term 2
Week 2: Wednesday 15th January
Alex Bowring: Mathematics in the industry.
In this talk I’ll give an overview of the work I carry out at as a Senior Mathematical Consultant at the Smith Institute, where we work alongside industry to tackle large-scale mathematical problems that affect everyday life. I’ll also discuss my experience in transitioning from a role in academia to a role in industry. You’ll hear about the variety of problems I have worked on at Smith Institute, before I zoom into our work on the Dynamic Reserve Project, where we collaborated with National Grid to build a machine-learning that predicts national energy reserves. Finally, I’ll wrap up with information about job and internship opportunities currently open at Smith Institute.
Week 3: Wednesday 22th January
Marco Milanesi: Persistent homology.
Persistent homology is a powerful notion in topological data analysis that allows us to understand the essential topological features of an object. Persistent homology is gaining increasing attention in a variety of applications, including biology and chemistry, astrophysics, automated image classification, sensor analysis, and social networks. In this talk, we will explore a very recent paper on this topic, and I will give you all the mathematical ideas behind it (it turns out that there are some).
Week 4: Wednesday 29th January
Week 5: Wednesday 5th February
Week 6: Wednesday 12th February
Week 7: Wednesday 19th February
Week 8: Wednesday 26th February
Week 9: Wednesday 5th March
Week 10: Wednesday 12th March