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Postnatal (up to 1 year)


Details of further objectives and related interventions are available underneath each aim.

+ Support parents to provide an environment that fosters the infant’s emotional, behavioural, social and cognitive development

+ Promote continued healthy social and emotional transition to parenthood

+ Promote parental mental health

+ Identify parents in need of additional support



The Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale (NBAS)

The NBAS is is a neuro-behavioural assessment of the newborn, designed to document the newborn's contribution to the parent-infant system, the competencies and individual differences of the newborn, as well as any difficulties. The main feature of the NBAS is that it is an interactive assessment, which gives a clear profile of the baby's behaviour, and how it must feel to parent the infant.
Britt GC and Myers BJ (1994) The effects of Brazelton intervention: a review. Infant Mental Health Journal, 15, 278-292

Newborn Behavioural Observations Systems Training (NBO)

Use of the Newborn Behavioural Observations Systems Training (NBO) The NBO is a relationship-building tool between practitioner and parent, that supports the developing parent-infant relationship, and provides an introduction to their infant’s behaviour.

'Getting to know your baby’ app and website

App/website for Health visitors/other practitioners to use with parents who are pregnant or with babies under 6 months to enhance appropriate parent infant interaction.

Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)

A Relationship-Based Intervention to help improve communication and interaction, promote empathy and wellbeing. Video interaction guidance is an intervention through which a “guider” aims to enhance communication within relationships. It works by engaging clients actively in a process of change towards realizing their own hopes for a better future in their relationships with others who are important to them. Guiders are themselves guided by the values and beliefs around respect and empowerment.
Fukkink, R. G. (2008). Video feedback in widescreen: A meta-analysis of family programs Clinical Psychology Review 28(6): 904-916.

The Tavistock 'Under Fives' infant mental health service

The service is for parents and babies or toddlers who are struggling with the ordinary problems of development. Services are delivered to those who have a worry relating to their baby or young child, whether it is temporary or long standing, major or minor. A variety of talking therapies may be offered. (

Mellow Babies

Mellow Babies programme has undergone a randomized waiting list controlled trial. Clinically and statistically significant positive effects on maternal depression and Mother child interaction

Parents Under Pressure

Parents with drug or alcohol misuse, who have a child under 2 in their care receive a 20 week programme which aims to support family functioning, develop parenting skills and caring relationships with infants.

Minding the Baby

NSPCC delivered intensive home visiting programme for vulnerable and at risk first time mothers under 25 and their babies. Delivered by social workers and health staff. Currently being evaluated.